

"What the hell, Manik? How can you decide such a thing without even telling me about it first?" I ask Manik, feeling my whole body go warm due to anger.

"If I had asked you, you would have said no," he says, and I feel my anger rising.

"Of course, I would have said no. Why would I want to be introduced as your wife when our marriage will end in a few months?"

"That is what I am saying, Nandini. Why do you want to end our marriage?" He asks, and I am about to reply to him when he speaks again, not giving me a chance to say anything.

"I know I said before that this marriage meant nothing to me, but now I want to give it a chance. In fact, you should also want it and be happy about it. After all, no girl wants her marriage to break, right?"

I exhale loudly, looking at Manik with nothing but disbelief echoing in my mind.

"Hmm, you are right, Mr. Manik Sisodiya. I should be happy," I tell him. "I should even start dancing in joy because my so-called husband, who married me for revenge, called me an unwanted wife on our wedding night, and also accused me of being a gold-digger, suddenly wants to give our marriage a try."

"Nandini, why—" he begins, but I cut him off.

"Shut up, Manik. Just shut the fuck up," I say, surprising Manik as well as myself, as I have never said that word before.

Well, I have never been this angry before too.

"Are you even hearing yourself? Are you even processing what you are asking of me?" I ask him, wanting to shake him hard to drill some sense into him.

"First, you said this marriage meant nothing to you. Now, you want to give this marriage a chance. Why?" I glare at him, raising my hand to stop him from speaking when he opens his mouth.

"I know why. It must be because you are now done taking your revenge and feel guilty about ruining my life in your bid to do that.

"You would not have even felt guilty if you did not know about my past. But now that you know, you must be thinking, 'Poor Nandini. She didn't get love from her parents and was even molested. So, I better pity her and keep her as my wife.' Right, Mr. Sisodiya?" I dig my nails into my palms to stop myself from punching the man in front of me.

"Nandini, you are mis—" Manik begins, but I again interrupt him.

"You want this now because you feel guilty. What if you regret some other day for getting yourself bound to me out of pity? I am sure you will then tell me to get out of your life.

"After all, that is what you do. Play with me on your whims," I say, my anger steadily rising with each passing second.

"Well, guess what, Mr. Sisodiya. I refuse to be a part of your play anymore. I don't care if you want to give this meaningless marriage a second chance because I do not want to. Drill it in your mind." I start walking toward him.

"I.do.not.want.to.be.your.wife," I punctuate every word as I look straight into his eyes while walking toward him.



Turning away from me, Nandini is about to walk toward the door when I hold her hand and pull her back to me.

She collides with my chest, a surprised gasp escaping her lips as she holds my shoulder to prevent herself from falling.

"It does not matter whether you want it or not, Nandini, because you are already my wife," I smirk as she fumes at me.

She tries to free her hand, but I tighten my hold.

"I did tell you that this marriage was unwanted for me on our wedding night, but that does not change the fact that we did get married. With proper rituals."

She starts pushing me with all her strength, and I let her go.

After moving back a few steps, she opens her mouth, and from the look on her face, I understand whatever she is going to say won't be pleasant for me to hear.

So, I start speaking before she does.

"I will be honest with you, Nandini," I begin. "I do not know why I want to give our marriage a second chance. Maybe it's because of my guilt, maybe something else," I pause, taking a deep breath.

"But I know I won't regret this decision. I honestly want to see where this will take us," I say, but she shakes her head.

"I do not want to see, Manik," she tells me. "I can't start afresh with someone who used me as a pawn for his advantage.

"You made that decision on your own and ladened me with it on our wedding night. Now, too, you are doing the same--deciding on your own and wanting me to go along with it.

"I just can't envision my life with someone who only thinks about himself, doing everything according to his convenience, not for once taking me and my feelings into account. I just can't.

"So, I am telling you for the last time, Manik. Let go of your stubbornness of making this marriage work because that will never happen." Saying that, she walks out of my office, and I don't stop her this time.

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