chapter 16: feelings

Start from the beginning

"Hi, my darlings!"- Pattie said when she spotted Mackenzie waiting by the front desk with Ryan- "I let the receptionist know you were coming, let's go!"

"You seem tired, Pattie. You know I can always stay the night with him for you to rest!"- Ryan said, hugging and kissing her head. Pattie was so tiny near him that it was funny. Mackenzie stayed quiet as she followed the adults thru the pediatric ward.

Pattie was looking good and put together as always, but it was noticeable the dark circles under her light blue eyes and a tired expression on her face.

"Oh, I'll be fine"- she smiled when they got out of the elevator- "But, thank you for offering, Ry. You're too sweet!"

They walked to the end of the hallway and soon were outside the big room with Justin's file on the door. Pattie slowly pushed the door open and quietly motioned for them to go inside. Justin was curled up in a ball, with an IV in his hand that accessed the large fluid bag hanging by the bed. Mackenzie noticed that, unlike last night, he was dressed in his own clothes: a pair of pajama pants and a white long-sleeved shirt.

In his slumber, he looked absolutely peaceful despite his slightly swollen closed eyes and his red puffy cheeks. His face, devoid of any stress or worries, was softly illuminated by the warm light of the bedside lamp. It was almost noon but Pattie made sure to close the blinds so Justin could rest a little more comfortably.

Mackenzie sat by the bed and just watched him as Ryan and Pattie chatted in a quiet tone. Scooter soon entered the room, sipping on an iced tall cold brew cup. As Justin slept, his blondish bangs were slightly disheveled, strands of hair sticking to his boiling forehead. By now, his temperature had climbed to almost 104, with no signs of stopping, but his expression was still serene, his angelic features relaxed and unburdened. Justin's body was nestled comfortably under the covers, but as always, he had one leg poking out of the blanket.

"Excuse me!"- the morning nurse whispered, smiling sweetly as she entered the room. Pattie frowned discreetly but smiled at the nurse. She knew Justin was exhausted with the nurses waking him up every 60 minutes on the dot- "I'm here to check his fever again. I'm really going to try to do this without waking him up. I feel so bad for the poor baby, I keep waking him up"-  she said quietly, but as soon as she tried to coax the thermometer on Justin's pouty lips, his eyes opened. She looked sympathetic but kept the small device in place- "Let's see this nasty fever, hon".

Justin nodded slowly, still sleepy. He was so tired he hadn't even noticed Mackenzie and Ryan inside the room. His caramel eyes were teary and rimmed in red. Kenzie frowned when she noticed that he was about to burst into tears, but Justin tried to keep himself together for as long as he could. But, despite his best efforts, a few warm tears fell down his flushed chubby cheeks.

"Oh, what's wrong, honey?"- the ginger nurse asked softly, rubbing his cheeks soothingly. Justin just shook his head 'no' and wiped the tears quickly.

"I.. I just don't feel good, that's all!"- he answered shyly.

"I'm sorry, baby. I know you don't, darling. You'll feel better soon, you'll see"- Justin just nodded his head as his crying intensified a little bit- "You want to go home, love? Is that it?"- he nodded again, baby sobs escaping him- "You'll be home soon, honey. Just a little more, okay? Dr. Marcus will be here shortly to see what he wants to do about his fever"- the nurse said, now to Pattie.

As soon as she left the room, Justin looked over at his mom, his eyes sad and pleading. He didn't even care if Mackenzie would see him cry, but he was just so miserable, he wanted to scream. He curled up on the bed, overwhelmed by his dangerously high fever and the pressure on his lower stomach. Justin's body was hunched and contorted, seeking a position that would make him feel better, but nothing seemed to ease his agony.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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