Ch.26 - Daddy day trainer

Start from the beginning

Toshi couldn't help but widen his eyes. "It's a pleasure to meet you too. That's an intriguing name you have, western, isn't it?"

"Oh, yes... I moved here from the states a while back." He gestured with a hand awkwardly.

The American-themed hero lit up. Switching to English. "Ah, my second home; it's always nice to meet someone from there." He extended his hand to shake.

Steven grasped the hand and shook it firmly, speaking English himself. "Been a while since I've been able to talk like this." He smiled.

"Well, I'll be in your care."

"I'll do what I can. This way, please."

The ogre man pulled open the door for All-Might, revealing a relatively small room similar to the one he had been in before.

Several other guards were present. The room was filled with plain walls, a chair, and a solid wall of reinforced glass dividing the space in half...

And on the other side of the glass...

All-For-One, sitting in a wheelchair with a mocking grin in greeting.

"Toshinori! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Toshi remained silent as he came up to sit in front of the glass while Steven spoke up.

"I'll be on the other side. I trust the guards on this side should be enough for you, sir?"

Toshi turned back with a nod. "Yes, understood."

Steven stepped back out, and it was only a short while before he reappeared on the other side of the glass beside several other guards. Toshi noted there were more on All-For-One's side than his own.

The villain continued to grin. "You still haven't answered me, Toshinori. And I can't help but notice you're not in your worn-out hero suit this time. Just a regular suit that looks just as bad on you."

Toshi sets his jaw. "I can wear what I want. And it's 'All-Might' to you."

All-For-One had a mocking look of disappointment. "Oh? And here I thought we weren't feeling so insecure this time. Let's be honest, Toshi~. You're not a hero anymore. You can't even use your Quirk. 'All-Might' no longer suits you... Just like your oversized clothing."

Toshi hid his gritted teeth; he wouldn't let this lunatic get to him. Despite this, he could tell the guards around him looked a little uneasy about the situation.

"Retired or not... I'm still a hero, and I have a duty to ensure you never bring chaos to the world ever again."

"You certainly still spout stale speeches like a pro... And what, pray tell, are you going to do if I did 'bring chaos,' hmm? Cough blood on me?-"

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