Episode 3 : Hornet Rescue mission

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Narator : So Habbakuk had manage to save the Azur Lane base and the shipgirls, but there is another thing that he must done what is it ? Let's check it out

Azur Lane base after the attack

Everything was a mess in the base, full of fires around, ruins and more. Habbakuk join the other shipgirls who are helping each others.

Cleveland : " Steady ! Steady ! Okay that's enough ! "

San Diego : " NOOOOO !!! My ship ! "

Glow worm : " Yikes ! "

Omaha : " Hey stay calm Sandy, is okay "

Cleveland : " Hmm... if only we had a repair ship, this could be more easier "

Habbakuk : " Miss Cleveland ! Do you need any help ? "

Cleveland : " Owh Habbakuk ? Well not much, i think the Manjuus will do the job instead, i just thinking the others. How about you ? "

Habbakuk : " Thank to God who give me the strength to protect you all "

Cleveland : " Also ... you look very awesome back at there ! beside ... a little to overkill "

Habbakuk : " Actually ... there is a little secret behind my ice power actually, can you please don't tell this to lady Wales for a while ? "

Cleveland : " Owh sure, here have a sit next to me "

Habbakuk : " My ice power is not really like the ice that you see if you take an ice from a refiregator. It is a mixture of Wood pulps and water the  frost it in sub zero degrees and become a material named Pykrete "

Cleveland : " Py ... what ? "

Habbakuk : " Pykrete Cleveland, Pykrete is a composite material that is come from the mixture of Wood pulps and ice "

Cleveland : " Wow ! "

Habbakuk : " Also, this material can tank anykinds of Torpedoes and shells. So could be said is undestructuble or bullet proof to any attacks "

Cleveland : " Nice .... also about those frost shells ? "

Habbakuk : " You want to ask that ? "

Cleveland : " Hehe Just curios "

Habbakuk : " Frost Shells actually is a part of my power, the shells looking is not to different to a normal AP or HE shells. The shells are colour light blue and white and have their signature sounds when they shot out, when hits an enemy the shells will penetrate the armor then will exploding a powerful ice blast that will automaticly freezing it's surrounding after it hits. If the weather is very cold or cold the shells will freezing the target at seconds and is hard to get out of it, not even a flame can melt that easily. Also ... the side effect is ... anyone who get hit by the shells will catch a cold or a flu for a day "

Cleveland : *poker face*
" Oh .... My .... God "

Habbakuk : " .... Well that's me "

Cleveland : " So ... wanna join me to catch some snacks ? You probably hungry aren't you ? "

Habbakuk : " Sure thing "

Meanwhile ... with Hornet's fleet

Long Island : " This ghost is tired "

Arizona : " Well that's why you shouldn't be a lazy one "

North Hampton : " Hanmam, can you slow down please ? "

Hanmam : " Hey you slow coach ! The base is in danger we don't know what will happen !!! "

Helena : " Hey girls ! I got something on my radar two Carriers 20 Kilometers away "

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