IRL • part 556

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I sigh as I turn off the upstairs bathroom light and walk barefoot to my bedroom. I move open the door and take a small glance at Ian who was typing away on his phone. I make my way over to Carter's crib and couldn't help but smile at how snuggled he looks.

"Mon amour," I whisper as I softly caress his head. I allow myself a couple of more seconds to admire my beautiful baby before turning around and walking over to the bed.

I hold the sheets back and slide in. Ian doesn't even acknowledge my presence which gets me irritatingly frustrated, but in attempt to be civil, I try to start conversation. "How was the date with Nikki?"

I watch as he types another few words in his message to Nikki before sending it. He closes his phone and just stares off into somewhere far away. He can barely look me in the eyes anymore. "Good," he answers shortly.

"Good," I nod awkwardly. I can tell that he's uncomfortable, I'm uncomfortable. "Listen, if it's really this hard for you to be here with me, you can go stay with Nikki, I'll be okay."

"What kind of man would I be if I left my wife alone with our newborn?"

Slowly his head turns and his mesmerizing blue eyes meet mine. I brush my wet hair behind my ear. "You don't have to say that anymore."

"Legally you still are," he retorts, "and even when you're not, I'll always worry for you, Tessa."

I lick my lips and my eyes dart down to the bed sheets where my hands lay. I look at my empty left ring finger. "Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Giving me false hope," I whisper.

His warm hand reaches for mine and for a split second my ring finger feels complete again, like the rings were never off. "I love you, Tess, I really do."

Those were the best yet most painful words I've ever heard. My lips quiver. "Then why do you keep pushing me away? Why are you trying to hurt me?"

"I'm not trying to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you."

"But you did." I say as I try to hold back my tears. "You hurt me in one of the worst ways humanly possible." I look at him. "In our wedding vows you promised me forever. You told me that no matter what I will always come first; That your love for me was unconditional." A tear falls down my cheek. "So much for unconditional, huh."

That's when I finally see it. A small, itty bitty, minuscular crack. His eyes soften. Something he hasn't done at me since the day we got married. "I promise you, Tess," he barely whispers, "everything I do, I've been doing it for you, for our family."

"You keep saying that but it just doesn't make any sense. Tell me, Ian, please." I plead. "What are you not telling me?"

The majestic looking man I feel in love with looks deep into my eyes with a look full of sadness. He reaches up and runs his hands softly through my hair. "I'm sorry, Tess. I really am."

"That doesn't answer my question," I frown in disappointment. "Ian, our divorce will be finalized in three months. Three months. After that there is no looking back, no second chances. Is that what you really want?"

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