IRL • part 451

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A tear drop runs down my face as I couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes. My naked body released to the world. That photo I had sent to Derek privately that was only meant for him to see. The amount of stress I am dealing with during this second pregnancy is killing me. Things just keep coming and coming and now this...Oh My God.

I scroll down to look at the comments under Derek's tweet. Most were sweet defending me but others were just sick. People asking if they could take the image and trying to sell it, it's terrible!

I keep scrolling and scrolling, this just breaks my heart completely. The amount of twisted people in this world is insane. And so, I just couldn't hold it in anymore. A choked sob comes from my throat and I immediately slap my hand over my mouth as tears spill down my face like a river. I tried so hard to be quiet since Ian was peacefully sleeping beside me.

I shut my eyes rolling my head up against the headboard as I keep crying.

Why me? I thought repeatedly. It's not fair!

As my thoughts kept racing it just made my cries get worse and worse.

"Tess?" I hear Ian's groggy morning voice call out to me. Usually his morning voice drives me crazy. It's so deep and beyond attractive. But in the situation I was in, nothing helped. Nothing.

I open my swollen eyes to look down at him. I will never forget the look on his face when he saw me. He was so confused and worried.

"Oh my God," He pushes his body up into a sitting position as he turns himself around to sit in front of me. "Tessa, what happened??"

I shake my head biting on my bottom lip as I deeply try to calm the burning sensation in my throat. "It's Derek, Ian." I sniffle. "I thought he was done, but he's not."

Ian furrows his brows even more confused than ever. "Tessa, what, happened?" He tried asking calmly though with urgency hinting in his voice.

"He posted...he posted a picture of me, naked."

Immediately that sent fire through Ian's ears. "What?!!"

"Derek tweeted some twisted love declaration for me and then he said as revenge for me being married and having kids with you instead of him he decided to just post a picture I had sent him a few years ago." I tried explaining.

Ian shakes his head in disbelief. "That motherfucker."

I purse my lips as I try so bad to hide in another bottle of tears. I just couldn't believe it. I feel completely used. My breasts are fully released to the world and it's too late to try and get him to take it out, thousands of people have already seen it.

"I-I can't do this anymore, Ian." I let out a deep shaky breath.

"I know, Tess." Ian sighs grabbing my hand and holding it. "I'm gonna call our lawyers and get something figured out. We can sue him...see if we can press charges and make sure it gets removed."

"Now everyone has seen me topless. I feel so exposed." I sigh placing one of my hands over my stomach.

"Tessa you're beautiful, all of you is beautiful." Ian gives me a reassuring smile. "Sure this is a really fucked up situation and we won't let him win this. But don't be ashamed for one second about your body."


"Thank you, honey." I muster up the best smile. "I just want him to leave me alone. Leave us alone for good."

"He will," Ian nods with a certain look on his face. I could tell he was trying to hide in his anger to not stress me out anymore. This angered him to the core. Thinking a man who tortured his wife for so long gets to do as he pleases to mess with the mother of his kids. He wasn't going to let this go until Derek completely stopped. "Trust me."

Ian leans forward and brings his free hand over to my cheek wiping away a tear that was dribbling down. We both smile softly at one another. This situation was beyond terrible but I have him. I know that no matter what Ian will always love me. He'll always have my back.

Ian grabs my chin and inches his face towards mine to press a kiss on my lips.

It's all gonna be okay.

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