Messages • part 498

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Nina: Hey

Nina...? :Tessa

Nina: Yeah, that's my name😅

Oh my God. We haven't texted in MONTHS. How are you? :Tessa

Nina: Really good actually. How are you?

Been better...been know? :Tessa

Nina: Haha yeah I've been there :) it true? All the talk about you and Ian?

Um... :Tessa

Nina: Hey, if you don't wanna talk about it, I totally understand. It was hard for me too when him and I ended things...

No, no, it's okay. I'm just mentally exhausted. Putting on a smile when I go out in fear of being caught or just posting on Instagram...I can't look weak. :Tessa

Nina: That's the highs and lows of being an actor :/

I sucks. :( :Tessa

Nina: And I, uh, I heard about the second baby. Congratulations by the way. :))

Thank you! But how did you find out? I only told close friends about it. :Tessa

Nina: I overheard Paul and Ian talking about it a couple of days ago on set.

Oh. How is Ian? :Tessa

Nina: Honestly...not good.

Oh my Goodness. Is he okay?? :Tessa

Nina: He's pretty bummed about the whole situation. He really loves you. But that Nikki is ALWAYS here with's incredibly annoying!

Mm, reason 145 why I'm ending things with him. :Tessa

Nina: I'm really sorry Tessa. I know we've drifted apart, completely, but I still care about you and of course Selena.

It's okay. Sadly that's just how life is. But thank you, Sel and I will always be there for you too. :)) :Tessa

Nina: Thank you. But I'm genuinely, deeply, sorry though.

For what...? :Tessa

Nina: Being the biggest bitch on the planet. I don't know what dawned over me. :/

Oh. Well. I mean, I don't know what to say... :Tessa

Nina: I was jealous of you. Now I see how absolutely stupid that was of me. You and I have been best friends since HIGH SCHOOL. We were INSEPARABLE. I was just so jealous that you had a husband, amazing opportunities, a baby, friends who loved you just all made me feel valueless at times and I'm so sorry.

I didn't know you felt that way, Nina. I love you, I always have. You are and always will be my friend, that's for sure. But I can't lie, you hurt me. You really did. I lost my best friend when really I needed her, and now I need a best friend even more. And IM sorry that I made you feel that way, I didn't mean to, you know that. :Tessa

Nina: I know, I know. Of course it's not your fault, it's purely and entirely mine, no doubt in that. I just feel so horrible now for acting the way I did with you. Would you ever be able to forgive me? :Tessa

Nina: Oh.

I'm kidding!!! Of course I forgive you!!! :Tessa

Nina: Damnit you really made my heart drop.

Haha you're welcome! :Tessa

Nina: There's the girl I missed! XD

I missed you too. If not more! :Tessa

Nina: I promise, if you ever need me, I'm here. Especially now. I know how hard it must be for you.

Thank you. I'm here for you too. :)) :Tessa

Nina: Thank you :) So...are you planning on coming back to Georgia sometime soon?

Do you want an honest answer? :Tessa

Nina: Let me

Bingo! :Tessa

Nina: Ugh about I come to you?

Oh no, Nina, you can't just take time off of work like that. I could never make you do that! :Tessa

Nina: Mmm...a little too late for that....

What do you mean?? :Tessa

Nina: What if I told you that I was twenty minutes away from landing in the busiest city in America?

NINA!! What?!?! :Tessa

Nina: Surprise!

Oh my Godddd :Tessa

Nina: My heart dropped not only because I was scared you wouldn't forgive me, I also was on a plane to New York for you!

Now I feel so bad for tricking you :/ :Tessa

Nina: Haha don't! I'm just glad you're giving me another chance.

Of course! I will always want you in my life. Always! :Tessa

Nina: That's a relief.

Haha, alright. I gotta go breastfeed Sel now...she's gonna be so excited to see her godmother!!! :Tessa

Nina: I miss that little gremlin XD

She misses you too! And so do I ;) Look, you better not even think about staying at a hotel. I'll talk to Jen and I know she'll be more than happy to have more company...she's a big people person! :Tessa

Nina: Awe that's incredible! Thank you, and especially thank her! I promise to bring some delicious wine ;))))

Haha okay! See you soon. :Tessa

Nina: See ya ;)

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