News Article • part 527

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Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed Packing on the PDA Leaving Fans More Confused Than Ever

Yesterday was the birthday of the now 36 year old Vampire Diaries actor, Ian Somerhalder. As we all know, Somerhalder is married to his fellow co-star 25 year old, Tessa Rose who is currently pregnant with his second baby. For over the past few months fans have been speculating that the two has called it quits since Rose took "Somerhalder" off of all of her social media accounts. We also know that the two have been separated for most of the time since Tessa is in New York filming her upcoming show Eye Candy and Ian has been continuing to film season 6 of the Vampire Diaries.

Fans have also noticed that Somerhalder has been hanging out a concerning amount of times with 26 year old Twilight actress, Nikki Reed. It has also been rumoured by background actors on TVD that Reed has been joining her "friend" Somerhalder on set for many days for the past couple of months. Though there has been no confirmation by Ian nor Tessa on their possible divorce, Somerhalder has now made it certainly clear that Somerrose is officially over.

Tonight, December 9 2014, Reed has joined Somerhalder at a Lakers game, and we definitely don't believe that they're just friends anymore. In the pictures below, Ian will be seen kissing the cheek of Reed and holding her hands throughout almost the entire game. Does Tessa know about this?

Take a look:

Take a look:

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