Messages • part 550

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Jen❤️: Hey, honey! Sorry I haven't replied to your's been crazy busy over here this past week! How are you doing?

Hey, babe! No, no, don't worry, I completely understand! To be honest, I've actually been feeling severe discomfort and mild contractions...I have a weird feeling this baby is going to be premature too. :Tess💕

Jen❤️: Oh goodness, I'm so sorry! I've never went through it but from all of my girlfriends that have had kids, I know the last trimester is really tough!

It definitely is...not gonna miss feeling like this once the baby's out. :Tess💕

Jen❤️: I bet you won't😂 Sweetie, I have a flight booked for tomorrow to New York. Justin has been staying over there working on a project and so I decided to go there and spend both my birthday and Valentine's Day in New York. I won't be in the city until late at night but I was hoping we could have dinner at my place the following evening.

Yes, I would love to! :Tess💕

Jen❤️: I know that your friends Candice and Nina are there with you as well, if they would like to join, I am more than happy to have the extra guests!

I will definitely ask them. Thank you, Jen, so, so much! :Tess💕

Jen❤️: Of course! I'll see you tomorrow, honey❤️

Have a safe flight. When you make it to New York just text me so I know you're okay. :Tess💕

Jen❤️: Yes, mom. I promise😉

Good😂 See you❤️ :Tess💕

Jen❤️: 💗💗

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