Chapter 21

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Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

You wake up from another nap feeling mentally exhausted. At this point you were drowning yourself in sleep with no productivity. You get up from the clothes pile you slept on and played some music before cleaning your room. You then start removing pictures and posters. Any sort of hanging decorations or art pieces you've collected.

The walls became bare.
You liked it.

You turned your music louder and stripped the whole house of its decorations. It became simplistic, less stimulating.

You, also liked this.

It was simple.
Direct and to the point.

No hidden meanings.
No hidden truths.
No stories to tell.

It felt like a satisfactory sigh.
You were starting to love it.

An echo followed you from behind as you carried the last box of items up the wooden steps, up the attic ladder and as you closed the attic door. The house was now loud but silent. You crept down the stairs again, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere, holding your laundry basket to put the stained clothes of the past to be washed for the upcoming future.

You had a shower.

You freshened up.

You ate food.

You hear a notification from your phone. You've been busy distracting yourself, you forgot about the thing that annoyed you the most. The notifications. You hesitated before picking up your phone with disgust to see another friend request. You roll your eyes and click on the hidden messages that were ignored and counted 34 of them in total. Great. You noticed texts from Tooru and his friends, asking for your well-being, a strangers giving you support about ur cheating boyfriend... can people really not mind their business?

First thing First.
Call Oikawa.

You navigate to your contacts and press his name. Each ring made you feel nauseous and more nauseous until he picks up the phone. Y/n! Hey, how are you?! You haven't been answering me and King flew back cause she said her boss cut her holidays short."

Her holidays short?

He does not know.


How much lies did King tell?

"Eh? My bad, I got zoned into my art again and forgot I have a life too"

"Really? I'll never understand that... hows Iwa? He won't talk to me too... is there something going on?"

"Other than the fact your friend decided to cheat on me twice and hide his face like a coward? Or do you mean the fact King actually set this whole situation up so she can hurt me to help her own best friend?"

Oikawa pauses before speaking in a less friendly tone. "Y/n, I am going to get the next flight available and I want you to explain this to me with all details."

"Tooru, don't be dramatic, you don't need to fly all-"

The line was cut dead.

"Nah, me and him decided to take a break to work on ourselves more before coming back together, so we're fine. I'd say he's just in his zone too"

Its not a lie... but it isn't the whole truth.

"Ohhhh! Oh? Oh. Did something trigger that? Did you guys get into a fight?"

"King told me YOU guys got into a fight"
"Tooru relax, you have competitions coming up stop stressing. If it makes you feel better, I'll improve with my communication for you and I'm sorry for leaving you worried okayy?"

𝙏𝙊𝙐𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙏𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀𝙎 (𝙄𝙒𝘼𝙄𝙕𝙐𝙈𝙄 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍)Where stories live. Discover now