Chapter 25

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"Sorry, what?" you say in disbelief. "And you didn't think to even confide in me to prep me for this?" you yell, but he raises his voice too. "You're not the only victim here, Y/n, and I'm sorry, but to me, Oikawa is the closest person I have. I couldn't confide in you because we ended terribly; this whole thing was meant to split us up in the first place. I needed someone to talk to, someone to hear my side of things without bashing me first," he says, and you listen.

"You're right. Sorry, just... I understand why you want to talk to someone, and I get it's your business, but it's also mine too. Oikawa is your childhood friend, but I'm related by blood, and you know how it is when it comes to family—you guys even had that whole pact! I just need time to process this completely before talking to him."

Your phone rang, showing your brother's number, and you felt yourself begin to panic. Iwaizumi gives you a nod to answer, but your body felt frozen in place. It's not like you were scared. Maybe a little anxious. You should be able to handle things a whole lot better, but it has been back-to-back shots, barely giving you the chance to process the moment before another disaster strikes.

"Are you not home?" he asks, peeping around, trying to figure out the location of your current background. "N-no, I'm out at the moment. Why?" you ask, pretending you don't know what's going on. He flips his camera around, and you see him pan the camera across your house before he flips it back to himself. He was smiling at first, like he thought it was a cute surprise, but his face drops once he sees your mortified expression.

You block the mic with your hands before you whisper-shout to Iwaizumi, clenching your teeth. "I thought you said he was coming. Why is he here right now?" you bite out, and he whispers back, "I told him a while ago," he admits while trying to keep his voice down, but Oikawa calls your name repeatedly to regain your attention. "What are you doing with Iwa?" he asks, and you shake your head in response.

"No, no, I'm at a business opportunity."

"Business opportunity—don't lie. Iwa can't whisper for shit; he was practically screaming into the mic."

Oikawa cuts the call, and a few seconds later, Iwaizumi receives a notification.

Back away from her until I say so. I don't want you complicating things more than they are. For her own sake, just as much as yours. I'm organizing something at the house to talk. Come ASAP.

You watch Iwaizumi read the message over and over until you try to peer into his phone to check. He immediately pulls it away and tucks it in his pocket. "Sorry, I have to go," he says, but you hold onto him. "Are we really starting this out on secrets again?" you say, and Iwaizumi hesitates. "Oikawa wants to talk to you personally, then me first before anything between us."

You take a step back before allowing him to leave. Your sadness soon turned to anger, and you marched back to the studio to grab your things. As much as you hated this situation, this was your mess. Not your brother's. You were tired of him trying to handle things when you are supposed to be his example, but today you're planning on setting that straight.

"Ah, Y/n! Wait, are you leaving now?" Alissa calls to you. She watches you pack all your things in a hurry, but once she puts her hand on your shoulder, you finally relax again. Tears began welling up in your eyes, but you quickly dismiss them to face Alissa. "I still need you for a few little sets," she says, frowning, and you smile briefly at her.

"I do want to stay; it's just some personal issues came up, so I'm just a bit spooked," you say, and she nods her head. "That's okay. Are you going completely, or do you want to take another break?" she asks, and you ask her to give you another few minutes before you go back out there. "Of course! I'll just let the set know, but I'm really sorry for this whole thing. I honestly didn't know until my co-workers showed me the video. If you ever need a girlfriend, I'll be here, okay?"

𝙏𝙊𝙐𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙏𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀𝙎 (𝙄𝙒𝘼𝙄𝙕𝙐𝙈𝙄 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍) 18+Where stories live. Discover now