Chapter 14

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You turn around to look at the living room door and notice King and Atsumu talking. You wouldn't feel so paranoid if it wasn't for King's expression. She looked like she was trying not to punch him. You watch her sigh and drag him to a quieter place so you turned away to pretend you saw nothing. After they left, you immediately went to your room and put on your headphones as you had security cameras around the front and back of your house hooked to your phone.

"And you still think it would be okay to talk to her? What are you going to say? Hi?", King says and he heavily sighs.

"Does it even matter if I do say hi? That stuff is in the past-"

"In the past? She doesn't even drink anymore or try to get into relationships because of yourself"

"I was stupid, but I've matured"

"No, you're still dumb. What even makes you think she's going to want to see you? She's already in a happy relationship, I doubt she needs traumatic memories being brought up"

"She's with someone? I thought you said-"

"I said she's unavailable for you to fuck with again and she has a partner, what's hard to get?"

"Who's she with?"

"Someone that isn't actually too much of a pussy to actually care for her"

"We'll see about that"

"Don't try me."

"I've nothing to do with you"

"You know what's funny? For someone who is saying Y/n is stuck in the past, you seem to be holding on to some spark that you killed".

"Could you blame me? -"

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IM DOING RIGHT NOW?! ", King shouts. "You're being selfish like you were last time, so do the wise thing and just leave her be for once. You're lucky she hasn't kicked you out so just shut up and grow up already"

"Yer just worried I'd tell her about us that night"

King scoffs before walking back inside. You're eyes were watering to the brim and you try calm yourself down. You should have waited for everyone to leave before you watched that. "Them that night?", you You see Atsumu try and find his composure again before walking back into the house.

You immediately went back down into the kitchen and gently closed the door. It was quiet. You sat down and opened the closest drink to yourself and drank it down. You cringed at the taste of the alcoholic burn and look at the percentage. 40%. Who the hell asked to buy this rubbish, you think to yourself, while taking another sip of course.

Another reason you stopped drinking. Alcohol is addictive from the way it makes you feel thirsty, making you take more and more, which honestly distracts you, but by too much when you get carried away. Atsumu immediately flashes in your head and you immediately look at the other drinks in front of you. You need a distraction. Some of these drink names, you have never heard before or ever tried, you're getting curious on the taste. You stand up and grab a bar glass for yourself.

It's only been four glasses in and you already felt like your head was swinging. Another reason you don't drink. You're absolutely terrible at holding them in. At least there was some truth to the lie you told Oikawa. The next drink was only 4% percent. Finally something reasonable. You pour it and take a sip, finding it nicer then all the other ones. Until you got the after taste. You wretched and laughed at how bad this drink was and immediately looked for another bottle to finish.

How much have you drank now? God only knows. You stare at the empty cans and bottles and sigh. You're definitely not seeing things straight, but it's kind of comforting. You're suprised your not getting sick or having any migraines. You laughs at this. God you're going to feel terrible tomorrow. Maybe you should start to sober up. You try move your legs but immediately regret it when they felt like jelly. You laughed again and rolled your eyes. You take a few more steps before you almost fall to the ground but you felt someone grab you.

𝙏𝙊𝙐𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙏𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀𝙎 (𝙄𝙒𝘼𝙄𝙕𝙐𝙈𝙄 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍)Where stories live. Discover now