Chapter 20

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It was finally 9 O clock at night before you were finally dropped home by Atsumu. You stared quietly at the text from your brother in the afternoon, asking how you are with a bunch of spam photos from King. "Listen, Y/n-", Atsumu starts but you shake your head. "I already know what you're about to say and I agree. Its best we go back to how we were". He nods at you before helping you out of the car.

"Thank you Atsumu, I mean it", you finally say before you walked to your front door and unlocked it. You entered the house to see the kitchen lights on. "hello?", you called out, shutting the door behind you before heading to the lit up room. "Is anyone-". You stopped in your tracks to see Iwaizumi resting himself against the counter with a coffee mug in his hand.

"You're back"

"Well I do live here"

"But you spent the night somewhere else"

"I wonder why"

"And that's the reason we both need to talk"

"Oh now you want to talk? After I go Spend a night at my ex, you want to talk? Im pretty sure your actions said enough for you, Iwaizumi"

"You fucked him?"

"And so?"

"Out of spite"

"No, I did it because I wanted to", you say slowly walking towards him. "Because I missed being loved and wanted to be treated right. Because my partner decided its okay to get drunk and kiss crazy girls. Because I wanted to feel APPRECIATED just for ONE night. Not out of spite but out of my own selfishness", you raised your voice and could feel your eyes start to well up. "You know well I don't do spite", you finish before turning to go up to your room.

You sit on your bed to calm yourself down and think of the whole situation one more time. Your phone buzzed a few minutes later and you pulled it out to see a new message.

im coming upstairs now
Lock your door if you don't want me to enter

You wait patiently for him to gently walk in and rest against the doorframe with his hands crossed. "I didn't intend for anything to happen", he starts off but you cut him off with a scoff. "Is that really how you want to do things?", he gives out and you raised an eyebrow at him. "You said the same the first time. So am I just supposed to start adoring you like a puppy again?", you reply back and he sighs.

"You know I don't drink, Y/n. I rarely do. And it's because of the fact I don't know how to. I don't know what's enough or too much so I avoid it as much as possible. And after the last two nights out, it's clear to me that I can't trust myself with drinks anymore. It's ruining something too precious to me", he says. You stayed silent before speaking up again.

"When I was with the Miya twin, I was in a party, where I saw a girl on his lap, kissing each other like I wasn't there", you started off. "He saw me, went after me and i let him 'make it up to me'. The next morning i woke up on my own, while he woke up with another woman beside him. I'm tired of trusting Iwa. I'm just tired". There was another pause before he spoke up.

"Would you like to take a break?"

"What?! Do you?"

"What no? I just want to respect you a little that's it"

"So what, you can just go cheat some more?"

"So we can both work on being the best versions for each other, Y/n. It's obvious you're still going through a lot of emotions from your past, and I don't want to put you more in a cautious state with the fact Hina and Kai are terrorising you. I want you to have a peace of mind, but you need to tell me how you want that"

𝙏𝙊𝙐𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙏𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀𝙎 (𝙄𝙒𝘼𝙄𝙕𝙐𝙈𝙄 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍)Where stories live. Discover now