Felix just swayed back and forth in his arms, "mhm just looking around" Hyunjin let him go to look at the crib better "Can you believe one day, we're going to have a beautiful baby in a crib just like this" Hyunjin squealed. Felix couldn't help but smile as he imagined a cute baby sleeping in it, looking up at both of them.

Felix went ahead and asked the lady "mam, how much is this crib right here" as he pointed to it.
She smiled "6,570 dollars sir" she began explaining all the details and how the wood was "imported"
Felix knew they didn't have a baby yet but he was set on getting it for their future child.
Hyunjin was one of the richest men right now but $6k for a crib was insane "was this the crib, Queen Elizabeth slept in ? Why is it $6000 ?" He asked confused. The woman laughed and began to repeat herself, it didn't take a lot of convincing for Felix to set his heart on it. He looked at his husband with a pout "Jinnie ... I really like this one" the blonde knew with enough of his cuteness, his husband will eventually say yes. Hyunjin looked at the man pleading and with a big sigh "Alright .. alright here" as he handed the woman the card. The lady smiling as she admired the couple.

Felix jumped up and down, as he ran to go tell Han.
Han was also happy as he ended up getting the lamp he wanted. "Lixie look at this beautiful lamp, I just bought" Han said excitedly. Felix smiled as he began to tell Han and Minho about the crib they just bought.
Minho stood next to Hyunjin, "$1k for a lamp Minho ? I never expected that" Hyunjin teased.
Minho rolled his eyes "Han said our space needed some "character" and I could say the same about you, $6000 on a crib ?" He teased.
Hyunjin couldn't help but get sassy "well I'll have you know that, it is made of 100% oak wood and natural cotton padding." He said sassily
Minho laughed at the man "baby isn't even here yet and they already have you wrapped around their baby finger"
Hyunjin punched him lightly on the arm.

Time skip to Night Time

Hyunjin spent an hour on the crib, building it and then putting it in one of the other bedrooms. Felix soon came in with a drink for his husband, "aww Jinnie it looks so good" Felix exclaimed. Hyunjin wiping his forehead of the sweat he managed to produce. Felix was so attracted to his husband right now, he looked good in his tank top and with his tools belt around his hips as he built the crib.

"Ok finished" Hyunjin got up and observed it, proud of his work. "Beautiful, my love" Felix exclaimed as he kissed the man passionately. The two embraced each other, they decided to get some pizza and sit in the room as they were both too tired to cook and have a regular dinner. They shared laughs and sat on the floor and talked until their legs became numb, "ok I got one ! so if you could do one thing over again which one would it be ? Our wedding or the Way we met" Hyunjin asked. Felix thought for a second "mhm, I wouldn't want to change a thing" he replied

Hyunjin getting on his knees "nooo .. You have to pick one" He demanded. Felix rolling his eyes "ok I wouldn't change the wedding but ... the iron man cake ?" He closed his eyes as he earned a huge gasp from his husband "WHAT ! You said you liked it !" He replied shocked and offended.
Felix laughing "I do, but the red and gold clashed with the wedding colors that's all"
Hyunjin shaking his head, Felix immediately asking "ok what about you ? Which one would you pick ?"

Hyunjin didn't even hesitate "the way we met" he replied which shocked the blonde "really why ?"
Hyunjin thought for a second "well I don't like the way I approached you .. or the way I treated you."
Felix completely understood what he meant, but nevertheless he wouldn't change it. The way they met led them to where they are at right now, both happy and in love.

He and Felix never really talked about the day they met or their thoughts but now was the perfect chance. "Baby ... what made you like me so much" Felix asked. Hyunjin began to think and just smiled "believe it or not, I started liking you the minute I saw you on stage" Felix began to tease "yeah I usually have that affect on people"
Hyunjin piercing his eyes "ya"

"I'm serious... I never got into telling you my old life or anything but I never dated, I would just mess around and live my life but then I saw you ... when you came up on stage, It was like a power cord hit me. I couldn't take my eyes off you and I couldn't think about anything else." He exclaimed.

Felix sat there as he watched the man continue to speak "I knew from that exact point, that I HAD to make you mine and I didn't care what I had to in order to win your heart, I was willing to do it"
"I know I didn't come at you the right way but I didn't really know how to approach you .. i thought I scared you. You were so intimidating and you were the first person to not fall head over heels obsessed with me"

Hyunjin sighed "It made me want you 100x more"

Felix hugged the man immediately "you have my heart forever, handsome" the blonde kissing his cheek.

Felix wanted to ask something but he was a little nervous "baby .. do you sometimes wish you married a woman ? Like a woman could give you blood children and I can't .." he sighed.

Hyunjin immediately shutting him down "never say that again, I know what I wanted and that was you and it's ALWAYS been you. No woman has ever made me feel the way you do, I don't think anyone on this planet could step to you" he smiled.

"You have changed my heart and my ways. You have helped me become the man I am today, look at everything we have" he opened his arms to show his husband. "All of this wouldn't exist if you hadn't come into my life and I will forever worship the ground you walk on to thank you" he smiled hoping this helped the blonde be more at ease.

Felix couldn't help the tears from pouring out of his eyes, he hated when he doubted himself but luckily he had a husband who reminded him how amazing he was. "No words can explain how much I love you" Felix whispered. The two sat and talked even more, like two teenagers at summer camp spilling all their secrets.

"Darling ... I love you" Felix whispered as he fell asleep in the man's arms, both sleeping on the floor holding each other.

"I love you my dear" he replied.

The Boss and The Burlesque: ENCORE Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant