By The Firelight

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Gon's POV:

After Killua came back from gathering firewood, Ging begins to build the fire. Once roaring and warm, we bring out the food that Ging brought from home.

Roasting the hotdogs over the fire, Ging keeps up with his storytelling. "And then Kite looked at me and he said 'Ging, you half-wit, did you really think I was gonna leave you hanging like that?' So I looked at him like 'yeah?!?' I mean, I'd been waiting on him for two fuckn' days!" I snicker at Ging's story. He and Kite have the best coworker dynamic I've ever seen. Besides Mito and Lilac maybe, wink wink.

"Like seriously, he could've shown up a little sooner!" Ging teases, despite Kite being absent from the antics I can imagine his responses. I laugh at how he'd roast Ging just as bad or worse if he were here. If I didn't know any better I'd say they were brothers.

Just then, Killua giggles. Like, no holding back, he just starts laughing. The sound bring warmth to my heart and butterflies to my stomach. The sound is just, it's pure heaven. I've never known a sound like Killua's laughter, and this is the first time he's really laughed in front of me. It's so sweet and soft, like the silkiness of rose petals on your tongue. Ging breaks and starts laughing with Killua. His big full-belly laugh booms through the forest and echos off the trees, mixing with Killua's sweet peals. How could I not join them?

Our laughter bounces through the clearing as the light leaves the tips of the tree tops. It feels like this place is bathed in a new light, a golden sort of glow. And the three of us are at the center, in pure peace.

The laughter dies down, and in its place is a comfortable quiet. The fire sparks, snaps and pops as the final rays of light recede from the trees. I scooch my chair closer to the fire in response to the sudden drop in temperature. Killua does the same but Ging's a freec so he doesn't need to.

Darkness is closing in and I decide that my hot dog is done, so I grab a bun and dig in. Ging pulled his dog out with mine and is wolfing it down like there's no tomorrow. Killua turns his over as I take a bit more time munching on my food. After inhaling his hot dog, Ging yawns. "I'm gonna go to bed, the s'more stuff is in that bag by your tent, don't be too loud and don't forget to douse the fire before you go to sleep. 'Night."

"'Night." Me and Killua chorus. With that, Ging leaves for his tent and zips it shut behind him.

Me and Killua are quiet, listening to the crickets chirp and the wind blow as the warmth of the hotdog sits in my stomach. The cracks and pops of the fire are the only sounds that truly mark the passage of time. Even then I could fall asleep eating my dinner like this. I don't notice when Killua pulls out his hotdog and starts eating. But with my mind feeling like warm mush I don't really notice much.

Once we're both finished, (and I have the motivation to do so) I ease out of my camp chair to grab the s'more stuff. When I come back, Killua seems to have moved closer to my chair and finished his food. "Hey Gon, what's a s'more?" He asks, his voice is a little deeper with anticipation of sleep. It's kinda hot not gonna lie and wakes me up a bit. But honestly, I shouldn't be surprised by now, whoever raised him was cruel and we've covered this. Yet, here I am, shocked and stunned.

"How about I just make you one?" I offer. Killua gives a soft hum in response, gently slumping against my side as I begin to roast the marshmallow. He's so cute when he's sleepy, like a fluffy white kitten. It's like he's never experienced being this . . . I don't know, safe? I guess? As I roast the marshmallow over the hot coals, I feel my eyes start to get tired. As Killua's breathing starts to even out, I notice his eyes are drooping and his bangs are in his face. His added weight on my side is a comfort along with his warmth that spreads through my body to my checks. I feel like I can hear his heartbeat from here, slow and steady like a drum, but might be my imagination. I can't tell if it's his heartbeat or mine.

The firelight warms my face as the stars begin to show. One by one they peep into existence. The smell of smoke and Killua is magical. He smells like a long lost home, one that's been waiting with open arms this whole time. That's the only way I know to explain it. Looking up, I see the stars that had long ago lost their mystery to me, only now they have a renewed sense of magic. The whole scene feels mystical and perfect. I turn my head to find his cloud of white hair on my shoulder. His breathing has evened out completely, so gently and carefully, I lay my lips on his hair for a soft kiss. His hair is just as soft and fluffy as I always thought it would be under my lips. I lay my head on his and watch my perfectly done marshmallow burn.

39 days until retrieval


Guess what! I'm not actually dead!!

Ha! So yeah, it's been awhile, since like June but it's fineeeeeee.

I love all your comments btw!! Don't think I haven't seen them!!

I'm just super busy all the time, not even summer provides a break for me.

I've just been focusing on other things, this is actually the first time I've been on Wattpad in a good while.

Yay! I think I have another chapter about ready and I'm still refusing to conform to a schedule!

Also it's my birthday tomorrow 🎉 (10/24) and I'm getting my license so yay me

Thank you for sticking with me even though I totally ghosted you for like four months! 😭😭

Words: 1047

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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