Fireflies and Ferry Rides

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Gon's POV:

By the time I get home I'm in tears. Sometimes I hate that I'm such a crybaby. It's just, that kiss was so perfect, why'd he have to ruin it by saying that?

I decide that I don't want to face Aunt Mito just yet, so I leave my school bag by our house and run into the woods. This way, I can be a baby without anyone hovering.

I begin to walk one of the many familiar trails winding through this place. But I'm not twenty steps before I start crying full-force. It's not what you would call 'pretty crying', the type that anime girls or celebrities on TV shows do. Not that it matters much now that I'm in here.

Tears red down my face as I run, my anger fueling my feet, propelling me forward to my special place. I fall on my knees and clutch the grass. I'm stoped before a small pond with a large tree in the center. (A/N: u know where Gon and Palm went on their date? With all the fireflies? That's this)


This is the place I go when I want to be alone, no one else even knows it exists.

I curl my fingers into the soft grass. The last of my tears falling onto a blade of grass. I look up just in time as the orange sky darkens. The clouds are small, and waaaaay up there. They are a mix of yellow, pink, blue, and purple. I gaze at the sky in awe, my problems, life and reality all but forgotten.

I sit like that and watch the fireflies light up the tree one by one, like a Christmas tree. So beautiful. As the sky grows darker, it gets colder, but I don't really notice until a particular breeze makes me shiver, breaking me from the magic.

"Well, time to go." I say to myself as I get up off the ground. I look around one last time, the stars are out and the fireflies still have their lights on, but there's no more magic in the way they move around, trying to find a mate.

That's when I remember. I bring my hands to my face so I can look at my nails. Most of them are a burgundy (sleepy) but a couple of them are pale yellow (content). That's good.

Truth be told, when I showed Killua my nails, it was really weird. I felt a bit of sorrow and then happiness, that was all coming from my soulmate. But when I showed him my nails, they turned purple-grey, and I felt sadness. Not just any sadness either, a more accurate description would be all-consuming hopelessness. It made me pause for a second, not enough for Killua to notice, I think. But what caught me was how powerful the feeling was, as if my soulmate was really close by.

It has me excited, what if they go to my school!! But that hopeless feeling still has me weirded out. Killua himself seems a little off, almost like there's something he's hiding, or like he's afraid . . . ?

Either way, that kiss was the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I won't let him ruin it with his petty words.

I don't get time to think about it any more than that because just then I exit the wood. I rub my eyes, walk up to my house, open the door and continue on into my awaiting hell.

Man, I shouldn't've stayed in the woods so late.

I yawn and lay my head down no my desk. Killua hasn't shown up yet, but Kurapika shares this class with us. "Tired?" Kurapika asks, and I only nod.

"Well, how much sleep did you get last night?" He mothers.

"Not enough." I reply, and he rolls those brown eyes of his.

"That was obvious, but what kept you up?"

I decide that there would be too much explaining involved in telling him I was in the woods, questions as to why I was in there, so I give him a simpler answer. "Studying." Truth is, Mito kept me up, she yelled at me for hours for not coming home right away, apparently she was very worried.

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