Before she can protest again I pick her up like I'd pick up a child and she instinctively wraps her legs around my waist.

"Let go of me, man child." She demands and kicks me in the ass with her foot.

"Stop kicking me."

"I will, when you let me go."

"I will never let you go, baby."

She makes a disgusted noise and kicks me again. She takes an arm away from my neck and brings her hand down to my pocket and takes something out of it.

Before I can process what she took, a sharp pain in my shoulder makes me groan and almost drop her.

"What the fuck?" She says probably at the feeling of something hard under her ass.

Aka my dick.

"How the hell did that make you hard?" She asks sounding confused and I laugh. She looks at me with a weird look but doesn't say anything else.

"It felt good." I say and she looks at me confused. I shrug and walk down the stairs. Ignoring the fact that she just stabbed me in the shoulder with my own pocket knife.

Once we reach the back yard, Rosalie starts protesting again.

"Niko, set me down or I'll fucking slit your throat." She demands. I just smile and jump in the pool, she clings to my like a sloth.

"Asshole!" She shouts and I laugh.

"These were my favorite leggings, and they're my only pair so now you can buy me a new pair. They're a hundred dollars by the way." She says and my mouth drops. She laughs at my expression and my mouth drops even more.

"Did you just laugh?" I ask, shocked. She laughs again, a beautiful sound that makes me forget about everything else.

What the fuck am I saying?

"Don't act like that's so unusual." She frowns.

"But it is, I've never seen you laugh. Even with your family." I say and her smile turns into a glare.

"I laugh, you're just never around to see it. I laugh a lot, just not around you." She says with a harsh tone. I frown.


"Don't act like you don't know. You killed my mother for no fucking reason! She treated you like a son, she loved you and you killed her!" She shouts, her face turning red and her eyes becoming watery. I stare at her with confusion.

When the hell did I kill Martina.

I don't remember doing that.

"What the hell are you talking about? I would never hurt her. She was like a mother to me." I tell her and she chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"Don't do that. Don't try and lie. I know you killed her. My own father told me, and I'd believe him over you any day. No matter how much he sucks as a father, he wouldn't lie about that." She says and climbs the stairs out of the pool.

"I know yo-" She cuts me off before I can finish my sentence.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. You don't know anything about me!" She shouts and slams the door shut behind her leaving me alone, confused, and feeling way more sober than I did a few minutes ago.

• Rosalie •Where stories live. Discover now