"Thatis a beautiful sword," Lord Glover says and Jace looks over his shoulder towards where the old man is standing. His greyish beard is covered in blood and parts of his armour have been dented or ripped off.

Jace nods, "Yes, it is." he holds the sword up so more of the morning sun can fall on it. The red ruby on the hilt sends red slithers of light around him.

Lord Glover steps closer as he eyes the sword, "Are you planning on keeping it, Boy?"

Jace frowns, "Not quite. Please excuse me, Lord Glover."

He takes his leave from the old man and the corpses of the two who fell. Without hesitation he marches to Lyanna's tent, pushing the flap of the entrance away. The light from outside lights up the inside of the tent which is only being illuminated by candles.

"Lyanna, do you know when-" he starts but stops when he sees who is in the tent with him. Apart from his mother and Lyanna, they are also joined by Aemond and Lord Tully.

"I apologise," he says with a bow of his head, "I didn't know you had company."

Lyanna smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. The stress and exhaustion are plastered all over her features.

"Aemond," he turns to his uncle, "I wasn't aware that you have returned."

Aemond glared at him and his eyes ever so slightly shift to the sword in Jace's hand.

"I landed Vhagar some distance away. Is there something you want to say?"

Jace notices the look Lyanna gives her husband, but he doesn't look at her for long. He is not here for her.

Jace walks towards Aemond, who in return starts to frown at his approach.

"This belongs to you, Uncle." Jace says and holds out Dark Sister, "You earned it."

"Traitor!" Rhynaera spits out and stands up to rush towards Jace, "How dare you give Daemon's sword to him?!"

Lyanna is quick to grab Rhynaera by the shoulders and push her back down in her seat.

"I neither have the energy nor the patience for you today," Lyanna says and pinches the bridge of her nose.

Rhyaera remains seated, but her poisonous glance does not falter from Jace. The son she thought she could trust above anyone else.

Aemond's frown disappears as he stares at the sword that Jace is holding out to him. He is uncertain of why Jace is acting this way since they both don't like each other much.

"Please take it, Uncle. This sword belongs to the greatest warrior in the Targaryen family. From where I am standing, that warrior is you. I know you never got an ancestral weapon from your father, so take this as the one you should have gotten."

From the corner of his eye, he can see Lyanna smiling at the gesture as she looks between Jace and Aemond. Jace can't help but wish she would've chosen him back when things were simpler. Even with the bruises and the tired look in her eyes,  she will always remain the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on.

Aemond slowly reaches out his hand and takes Dark Sister from Jace. The weapon feels perfect in his grasp, the weight evenly balanced, the edges still as sharp as the day it was forged.

His fingers slowly trace the engravings on the sword, a slight hum being created from the friction and he can swear it sounds like the sword is singing to him.

He smiles and looks at Jace, "I might just be able to tolerate you, Nephew."

Jace smiles back, ignoring the scoff coming from his mother.

"Thank you," Aemond says softly and turns towards Lyanna to show her the sword.

"Maybe we can practise together soon?" Jace asks, but Aemond lifts a finger towards him.

"I said I might be able to tolerate you. Don't push it."

Jace's smile only widens as he places his hands behind his back.

Lyanna puts her hand on Aemond's arm, "I think it's time."

She looks at Jace and Lord Tully. Jace is lost for a moment and shakes his head.

"Time for what?" he asks.

Lyanna looks deep into his eyes and he can see the sympathy in them. He already knows what she wants to say even before she opens her mouth.

"Your mother's trial before the Lords of the North. We will decide together what must happen to her."

Jace slowly nods, knowing there is nothing he can do to stop it. He can't even prevent her from being executed if it comes to that. His voice is a mere whisper amongst the loud voices the Northern Lords have. Their say weighing more than his.

All he can do is pray to The Seven that his mother will have peace, no matter the outcome.

The Wolf Queen - Part 2 - (Aemond Targaryen) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें