Natural State

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It's nice talking with Thirteen. They know what all this shit can feel like. The pressure of the Way, the music, the strain it takes on your bodies, your perception.

"There are more galaxies than there are people," you say. The tea you drink is dark and sweet, and it fills your mouth with old suns who are content with what they have created, sustained.

"There are," they reply. "Does it make you feel small?"

"...Nah. Makes me feel important. Makes me realize that everyone around me is important."

"And why's that?"

"Because we're all lucky enough to exist with galaxies surrounding us. We came from galaxies, and one day, we'll become galaxies again. No matter how we destroy or are destroyed, we will always contribute to creation."

Thirteen sips their tea. Microscopic clouds of vibrant stardust shift around their inky, translucent mouth.

"That we will, Isoko."


"It's raining."

"Mm hm."

You have to smile at Todoroki's flat statement. The two of you stand just underneath the school's awning, watching rain soak into the pavement, the grass. You've already said goodbye to Jirou and Yaomomo; both girls have activities with their individual families this evening. Shinsou is busy, too, so plans to hang out with him are off. And, well, you have no family to bond with, so it leaves you with nothing to do on a late, rainy Friday afternoon.

Todoroki opens his umbrella. "You got any fun plans for the weekend?" you ask. Are you going to be a desperate bitch? You're not lonely; you have your plants at home.

Okay, but then why are you suddenly spouting the question?

"No," Todoroki replies. "Just homework and training. You?"

"Nothing. Probably going to go home and eat." You fidget and blow a puff of air from your cheeks. This is dumb. Are you being dumb? It happens a lot, so you wouldn't be surprised. "Hey—hey Todoroki?"

Oh great, here you go.

"Yeah?" He shifts to you, black umbrella already over his head. You open yours and hold it aloft in case you need to book it and never show your face again.

"Wanna go to the aquarium with me?"

Mismatched eyes register with mild surprise. "Why?"

Todoroki sees your face fall a fraction before you can pick it back up with a smile. In his way of panicking, he adjusts his umbrella and takes half a step closer to you. "I don't mean it in a bad way. I mean, why do you want to go with me? I'm pretty boring."

"Psh. You're not boring. You're awesome!" You give his shoulder a light chop for good measure, but it does nothing for his sincere confusion.

"Were you supposed to go with somebody else and they canceled?"

"Nope." Your smile turns somewhat pained. "What if I told you that the universe is telling me that we should go to the aquarium?"

"Is that true?"

"I mean, it's not not true. But..." You sigh. You're just making Todoroki more uncomfortable. Might as well spit out the truth. "I'm not in the mood to go to my apartment and sit alone for the whole weekend. I wanna do something fun, and you're right here in the prime position to do a fun thing with yours truly." You add a little bow for good effect, and it gets the corner of his mouth to flick upward.

"So you're saying that you don't want to be alone right now."

"Well, like, you didn't have to put it like that," you laugh, turning your gaze back out to the rain. "But...yeah. Sometimes I'm totally okay being alone, right? Got the universe to keep me company—as well as my plants. And then, other times..."

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