Something Funky Funk

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You sit in class, quietly listening to the rest of the students talk about the swam of reporters they had to struggle through just to get inside U.A. You ignored all their shouts and questions just like everyone else trying to reach the school. It's annoying, to say the least, having them piled up like that.

If the reporters knew who your father was, they probably would have paid more attention to you. But your skin color doesn't exactly relate back to him in Japan, so you fly under the radar. Not even anyone in class has picked up on it. You prefer it that way.

Aizawa goes over yesterday's combat training. He tells you and Yaomomo that you worked together effectively. That's pretty much it.

You bite back a sigh. So this is how it's gonna be, huh?

"Let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future."

You make a scrunched-up, confused expression. Really? Really. Really?

"You all need to pick a class representative."

Of course. No offense to your teacher if he can read minds as well as erase quirks, but he's a bit of an asshole.

The class breathes a collective sigh of relief right before all hell breaks loose.

"Pick me guys! I wanna be class rep!" Kirishima yells.

"I'll take it!"

"Yeah, you're gonna need me."

"Someone with style would be the best—"

"I'm, like, totally the right pick!"

"Hey! Want me to show you? I'm your only choice!"

In front of you, you see Midoriya tentatively raise his hand. You glance and see Tokoyami sitting in his usual position: arms crossed, head tilted down. Behind him, Todoroki looks on like he's bored of everything. Then again, that's usually his expression.

Iida silences the room with his megaphone voice and declares that the class needs to take a more democratic approach to the election system. You go along with it mostly because you couldn't give a fart about being class representative. It's a huge thing in Japan, you know, but seriously? You don't want to be in charge of these guys, anyway; they're all so...



You automatically vote for yourself, but the second you turn your piece of paper in, you realize that you should have voted for Yaomomo. She's best suited for the task, and she really wants the position. Besides, she's one of the first friends you've made in this class.

"Can I change my vote?" you weakly ask.

"No!" Ashido, who somehow was put in charge of counting the votes, yells back brightly.

You thump your forehead on the desk.

It works out alright in the end, though. Yaomomo winds up with two votes, and Midoriya? The little sucker got three.

But, like, it's not hard to figure out who gave him the extra votes. Iida and Uraraka have been tight with him already. If it's anyone, it's them.

And it's definitely not Bakugou.

"Okay, you idiots, who voted for him?" Bakugou slams his hands on the desk and stands up. You glance at Aizawa sleeping on the ground to see if the sudden noise has disturbed him, but no. He remains content in his cocoon.

"What, did you honestly think anyone was going to vote for you?" Sero asks back.


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