Hello, Nice to Meet You, and Repeat

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All heads turn toward you as you walk through. You stop for a moment, caught in the entrance, and try not to look too panicked.

"Oh, holy crap! It's you!" a boy shouts. He stands up from his desk, an excited grin on his face. His hair is a dark yellow with a black lightning bolt running through it. You wonder if it's real or not, but you refrain from using your quirk to find out. You don't need to get creepy just yet.

"It's...me?" you repeat.

Your eyes scan for a seat somewhere in the back. There's a black-haired girl sitting in the very last seat on the furthest row, and next to her is a red-and-white-haired boy. He gazes at you impassively. There's a back seat on the nearest row, but it has someone's backpack already in it. The boy who made a commotion in the lecture hall about robots and speaking loudly watches you frantically try to find an open desk. Ashido, the pink-haired you briefly spoke to in the lock room enthusiastically waves to you, and you wave back—you're happy to see her in the same class.

You gloss over the same ashy blond that yelled around a lot and blew stuff up during the practical exam. He gives you a death stare, but you lock in on the empty desk in his row, right in front of the black-haired girl.

"Yeah, you! You took down that zero-pointer! I saw you!" The boy laughs and makes big explosion noises. You keep your head moderately down as you take a seat. The ash-blond literally growls at you when you walk past him. "Man, that was the most freaking epic thing I've ever seen!"

"Wait, you took down a zero-pointer?" asks the boy next to him. He has sharp teeth, and his eyes gleam with a kind of awe that you are definitely not used to. Everyone is turned in their seats to look at you. "How? Why? That's so manly!"

"Because it was a chance to show off, idiot," the ash-blond says bitingly.

Your dislike of him rises.

"I..." you try to answer, "I did it so nobody would get hurt or distracted by it." Meekly, you add, "That's all."

"So heroic!" the electric boy croons. Even inactive, your quirk can pick up electromagnetic charges rolling faintly off him. "I wish I could be that cool!"

"You're here, aren't you?" You give him a small smile. "That's pretty cool all on its own."

"True!" He leans back in his chair, forgetting that it has wheels on the bottom, and almost falls out. You're thankful that the attention is pulled away from you to laugh at him as he tries to recover from the near fatality on the first day.

A finger taps your shoulder. You turn and look at the girl sitting behind you. "My name is Yaoyorozu Momo. I'm looking forward to getting to know you as my classmate."

"Isoko Marigold. It's nice to meet you."

She nods, and the two of you strike up a conversation. Even sitting, you can tell that you're around similar heights, and it's relieving. Tall girls need to stick together in Japan.

There's a lot of commotion around you, surprisingly. Everyone is eager to meet their classmates—or yell at them, in the case of the boy with glasses and the boy who hates Isoko for some reason. If anyone wants to ask you about beating a zero-pointer, they have the decency to wait until a calmer time.

Slowly, you begin to ease into your new surroundings. Yaoyorozu got into 1-A based on recommendations, meaning she's probably a rich girl. That's okay; you are, too, if you think about how your dad's and Annie's funds are what keep you comfortable in Japan.

Yaoyorozu is talking to you when her eyes happen to glance over at the door. She does a double-take, eyes widening. "What is that?" she whispers.

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