The Day After

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Diamond and you head to Hosu City hospital. You're dressed in black high-waisted jeans and a button-up shirt with tiny French bulldogs dotting the white fabric. The shirt is tucked into your pants. You have your hair loose and extra poofy. Diamond is still in her hero costume, but you're not going to be able to keep training for the last couple days of the internship with her.

"It's because Manual is a damn snitch," she mutters to you, "and he told the school that you sneaked off to help your boys. Damn snitch."

They're not your boys, you want to say, but you don't argue.

Diamond sees Manual and a small, older hero walking into the hospital.

"Hey! You damn snitch!" Diamond shouts, and Manual hunches his shoulders before he turns around to face his fellow hero.

"Hey, Nakazawa," he says with a nervous half-laugh.

"Don't be upset with Manual for doing the right thing," the old hero snaps. "It ain't his fault you let your student knowingly run off."

"If it hadn't been for my student, your students would be dead!"

The old man glares at Diamond, and she glares back.

"Hey, hey," Manual nervously intervenes, "it's over, now. Let's just head to their room, alright?"

Diamond mutters something under her breath. The old man does the same. You keep your head down and stay quiet.

It's an awkward walk to the elevators, and the ride is downright painful. You want to apologize for causing such tension, but you figure that Diamond will tell you that there's nothing to apologize for; at least you didn't get abandoned by your mentor like your classmates did. Yeah. That'd be something she'd say, and you honestly just want to get this done as quickly as possible.

Things don't get better when the four of you reach the room that Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida are staying in. There's a tall, dog-headed man waiting outside of the room, and after all the training you've gone through with Diamond this week, you can sense the metal of a gun residing within his suit. His dark eyes train on you, and his black nose faintly tweaks in the air.

The old man, Manual, and Diamond shake his hand. "Tsuragamae," the old man says, "sorry we're late."

"It's perfectly fine, Gran Torino," Tsuragamae replies. He takes a good look at you once more. "Isoko Marigold. It is good to meet you, woof."

You bow, unsure. Diamond pats your back consolingly. "Sorry, Isoko," she sighs. "But he wanted you to be here so you could get a scolding with the rest of them."

Assuming that Tsuragamae is in police enforcement, he probably grouped you together with the boys, even though you ditched out early.

"Oh," you mumble, and you can't help feeling more dejected. "Okay."

But the old man, Gran Torino, is already sliding the room's door open. "Oh," he dryly remarks, "so the injured youngins are awake!"

"Gran Torino!" you hear Midoriya squeak.

"And Manual, too," Iida adds. The boys' gazes go behind the heroes and onto you.

"Hi," you say with a small wave. "How are you guys doing?"

"We're alive, no thanks to you," says Todoroki.

"See? What did I tell you?" Diamond breathes snappily from the side of her mouth. Then she gives you a nudge to go sit on one of the three beds the boys are occupying. You freeze, hastily trying to decide which bed to choose—which boy to sit beside—until you finally say fuck it and shuffle over to Midoriya's bed.

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