Chapter 18

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Tearing Faces

The deep slumber enveloped Chu Yu, enveloping her in tranquility until a sudden, jarring sound pierced the silence. It was a forceful impact, as if someone were violently kicking at the door. In her drowsy state, she recognised her father's voice, strained with suppressed anger, echoing through the air: 'Jiang Xi, you've truly lost your mind! How could you do such a thing?"

Jiang Xi? Who was this Jiang Xi?

As Chu Yu wrestled with this question, she gradually emerged from the embrace of sleep. While she remained unaware of the name of the third madam, there was no doubt in her mind that this Jiang Xi person was referring to her.

Had her father and the third madam not only failed to reconcile, but had their conflict escalated? For a fleeting moment, Chu Yu struggled with the decision of whether to continue feigning sleep or venture out to assess the Third Madam's condition.

After a moment's hesitation, she decided that the third madam must have regained her composure. With a gentle determination, Chu Yu rose from her bed, swung open the door and fixed her gaze on a distinct figure standing under the moonlit sky, facing away from her.

The figure was staring intently at the courtyard entrance.

While her father had already left, the third madam lingered, her eyes fixed on his disappearing silhouette.

"Little Fish," the third madam's voice broke the silence.

"Mother," Chu Yu said, taken aback by the third madam's recognition. Had she heard the sound of Chu Yu's footsteps? However, the endearing term 'little fish' was uttered with a newfound detachment, unlike before.

Upon reflection, Chu Yu would credit her intuition for sensing the subtle change.

If the previous Third Madam had harboured a shred of maternal affection, it had been completely severed from this moment on.

"From now on you have no father. You belong to me completely, do you understand?" The third madam's words mirrored those of a mother asking her child to choose between parents in the midst of a divorce. However, an inexplicable chill crept through Chu Yu's core, and she involuntarily shuddered in the frigid night breeze.

Instead of responding directly, she cunningly interjected, "Father promised me that he would summon Doctor Xu tomorrow to examine my condition. Any misunderstandings between you and Father will be cleared up then."

In that moment, Chu Yu employed a subtle tactic.

By invoking her father's name, she hoped to calm the Third Madam's anxiety. Inadvertently, she sent an unspoken warning: "Do not lay a hand on me. When Doctor Xu examines me tomorrow, all the truths will be revealed.

Yet, the response she received was a callous laugh.

"Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding!"

"I have severed all ties with your father!"

Chu Yu's heart raced, unable to fathom how an amiable dinner had spiraled into such chaos. What could have happened between her father and the third madam?

"You should return to bed," the third madam said, regaining a modicum of composure, but Chu Yu's curiosity begged for further investigation. She wanted to unravel the mystery.

"I told you! Go! Back! To! Sleep!" the third madam's voice turned icy cold.

Faintly, Chu Yu sensed a hint of malevolence lurking beneath the surface.

Silently, she retreated to her chamber and locked the door behind her.

Staring aimlessly at the ceiling, Chu Yu found no respite in her exhausted state. She replayed the Third Madam's tone and expression, meticulously dissecting every detail in her mind's eye.

Her heart pounded in her chest, consumed by a gripping anxiety. The sudden transformation baffled her. What could have caused such an ominous turn of events?

"You must escape from here," an urgent thought raced through Chu Yu's mind. She could not afford to stay any longer.

It was dangerous.

Her mind screamed with urgency.

Stealthily, Chu Yu swung her legs over the side of the bed and approached the window. With great caution, she pried it open and beheld the unmoving figure of the third madam in the courtyard, still facing away.

A shiver ran down Chu Yu's spine. She questioned whether the third madam stood guard, preventing her escape, or if she stood there, gazing at her father's departed form, unwilling to accept reality.

Beads of sweat dotted Chu Yu's forehead, mirroring her nervousness and fear.

At that fleeting moment, the third madam's shoulders twitched imperceptibly and Chu Yu instinctively crouched down, hidden from view.

She sensed the third madam preparing to turn around, and her gaze pierced the darkness.

She must not be discovered or cause alarm.

Chu Yu's mind raced and she quickly crawled back onto the bed.

Her movements, swift and silent, defied detection. She wrapped herself in the blanket, her back resolutely turned away from the window.

After a while she felt the intense gaze fade.

Her eyelids grew heavy and fatigue threatened to consume her. Chu Yu considered getting up to wash her face with the tea brewed in the room, trying to shake herself out of this stupor.

However, her attention was drawn to a small teacup on the nearby table. Within its delicate confines rested a concoction of crushed flower petals. Despite the abundance of petals, only a small amount of liquid remained at the bottom of the cup.

She had yet to partake.

Silently, Chu Yu approached, took the cup and took a sip.

In an instant, her eyes widened as if cleansed by a refreshing wave.

The world before her seemed extraordinarily vivid, even under the cloak of darkness. Every detail stood out with pristine clarity.

In sheer astonishment, Chu Yu blinked repeatedly, finding herself invigorated by a single petal.

The juice of the petals seemed to increase its restorative properties a hundredfold. A cooling sensation emanated from her head, permeating every inch of her being, revitalising her.

It was as if her entire being had been cleansed.

There was no trace of drowsiness; she felt amazingly alert!

Most astonishingly, this transformation felt distinctly natural, free of the discomfort often associated with external forces, which often resulted in excruciating headaches.

Instead, it felt as if she had truly experienced a restful slumber, eager to venture out and embrace the world.

Chu Yu quickly realised that she had underestimated the power of these petals.

At least to her current judgement, they seemed harmless.

However, she remained cautiously sceptical, acknowledging that complete harmlessness was unlikely.

After all, the body's equilibrium could only withstand so much prolonged sleep deprivation.

(End of chapter)

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