Chapter 13

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 As Long As the Man Obeys

Chu Yu's smile widened as she reassured her, "Fear not, Mother will surely give her consent."

After arranging the dishes, Chu Yu fetched three small bowls and filled one of them to the brim with delicious bone soup from the pot.

Qingyu reminded her, "Madam doesn't like soup. Miss, you can pour for yourself."

Chu Yu shook her head firmly, "No, that's not the point. I've noticed that Mother takes a sip of soup after every few bites. It's quite bothersome."

"Let us give it to Mother first, fill a bowl for her. It seems that if she has it first, she can concentrate fully on eating later. Just look at me, I'm in such good health now, thanks to that bowl of soup before dinner."

"I see. In fact, miss, you've rarely been ill these past few months. From now on, I'll start having a bowl of soup before meals just like you." Qingyu nodded thoughtfully.

Chu Yu maintained a serious expression, "Exactly! Having a bowl of soup before meals will warm up your stomach and keep you comfortable throughout the day."

"Aunt Qing, I'll call Mother for dinner."

As Third madam sat down at the table, her attention was immediately drawn to the specially placed bowl of soup beside her.

Before she could say a word, Chu Yu spoke eagerly, "Mother, this is my favourite bone soup. I've prepared a bowl just for you. Please try it, mother. Is it delicious?"

"I also helped prepare tonight's dinner."

Third madam smiled warmly, "My dear fish, you are so filial. Not only did you help Qingyu, but you also remembered to serve me a bowl of soup."

Saying so, she scooped some soup with a spoon, took a sip, and praised, "It's truly delicious. Qingyu, you're quite the skilled cook."

Qingyu quickly replied, "It's Miss who assisted me. She has mastered the perfect timing and heat control."

Third madam praised Chu Yu once again.

Deliberately wearing a pleased expression, Chu Yu felt a slight relief. Both Third madam and Qingyu seemed to be behaving normally, showing no resistance to the soup.

Chu Yu held the bowl of soup and began to sip at it slowly.

Since Third madam came from a humble background, she had no objection to having maids like Qingyu at the table and had no strict rules.

After praising Chu Yu for a while, Third madam initiated a discussion about external matters with Qingyu.

While Third madam was confined to this courtyard, Qingyu was free to come and go as she pleased.

Chu Yu ate while listening to their conversation, which ranged from the fluctuating prices of medicinal herbs on the market to the possibility of expanding the courtyard to grow more herbs.

"Our little fish will be five this year. Usually girls get engaged at fifteen and married at eighteen or nineteen. The time will come sooner than we think. We should start saving for her dowry. We couldn't save much before because of our little fish's illness.

Qingyu reassured her, "Madam, please don't worry. Master will surely provide for her dowry."

But Third madam shook her head, "What her father prepares is undoubtedly his intention, but as her mother, I also want to contribute my share."

Chu Yu felt a tinge of unease as they discussed dowries, not because she was shy or anything like that.

After all, she was well aware that in ancient times women had no rights.

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