Chapter 10

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The Mysterious Addition to the dregs

"It lies in the backyard, hidden beneath the tree with purple leaves," Qingyu casually pointed out, curiosity piqued. "Why do you inquire about this?"

"The medicine jars already emit an unpleasant odor, so the remnants must be even more repulsive. My mother must have placed them together, far away from us," Chuyu replied, speaking in a childlike manner.

However, her true intention was to investigate the medicine remnants.

Certainly, the medicine jars were an option as well, but examining the remaining medicinal properties without any tools proved to be a more challenging endeavor.

Qingyu burst into laughter.

"Miss, Madam buries the medicine remnants underground, so their scent doesn't linger," she explained.

Chuyu remained skeptical. "I refuse to believe it. I wish to see it for myself."

With those words, Chuyu darted outside, determined to uncover the truth.

Qingyu hastily warned, "Miss, if you intend to play with the medicine remnants, remember never to consume them."

Chuyu's lips twitched. So, in the past two months, every time she plucked a blade of grass or plucked a leaf, Qingyu assumed she was playing pretend? Well, perhaps there was some truth to that.

She couldn't disclose that she was actually analyzing the medicinal properties of those plants. No one would believe her.

Successfully unearthing the medicine remnants beneath the purple-leaved tree, Chuyu found that they were buried quite deep.

Yet, with her keen sense of smell, she detected the familiar medicinal fragrance that she vividly remembered even after two months. After comparing them one by one, she sat on the ground with a somber expression.

The medicine remnants contained an additional ingredient not found in the medicine pills.

Coincidentally, it happened to be the detoxifying component.

Did her mother intend to harm her?

Chuyu decided not to jump to conclusions so quickly.

Carefully, she reburied the medicine remnants, disguising them to blend with the surrounding area as much as possible.

As she prepared to depart, a sudden realization struck her, halting her movements.

She changed her position and dug a small pit there.

Then she changed her position once more...

She repeated this process until the entire area was dotted with pits and depressions. Only then did she cease her actions.

Patting the soil off her body, Chuyu made her way to the kitchen.

Observing her disheveled appearance, Qingyu couldn't help but ask, "Miss, where did you gather herbs this time? You look quite disarrayed. Be cautious not to let Madam discover."

Chuyu appeared dejected. "I followed your advice and dug up the medicine remnants under the purple-leaved tree, but I found nothing."

Qingyu's lips twitched. "Perhaps Madam buried them deeper. Shall I assist you in digging?"

Waving her hand dismissively, Chuyu wrinkled her little face. "Aunt Qing, I wish to take a bath. I haven't finished my calligraphy practice today. If Mr. Mo discovers I haven't been diligent in my studies, he will surely scold me."

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