Chapter 12

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Innate deficiency or Poisoning?

As the sun set on another eventful day, Chuyu couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was amiss. Yesterday, she had requested the prescription from Third Madam, and today, she noticed Qingyu diligently gathering various ingredients. Was it all just a coincidence, or was there something more sinister at play?

Chuyu had always enjoyed savoring a warm bowl of soup before her meals, but now she couldn't help but wonder if someone was taking advantage of her fondness. After all, Third Madam had never been a fan of soup herself. These doubts made Chuyu grow increasingly cautious.

Qingyu, who was responsible for the small kitchen in Qingnan Garden, occasionally ventured into the main kitchen in the backyard to retrieve food. Chuyu recalled the exquisite and delicate dishes that adorned the table on her first day of school. Third Madam had mentioned that they were prepared in the main kitchen. Unlike Qingyu, she lacked the culinary expertise required for such delectable creations. Chuyu contemplated the possibility that during this process, someone could have easily tampered with the food.

Chuyu's vigilance heightened, and she longed for her heightened sense of taste. If she still possessed that ability, she might have already discerned who had poisoned her or where the poison was concealed. Although she now knew that the Chinese trumpet vine had detoxifying properties, she understood that it provided only a temporary solution. It was imperative to identify and eliminate the source of the poison altogether.

"Aunt Qing, allow me to assist you in selecting the vegetables," Chuyu suggested, dragging a small stool over.

Qingyu's eyes widened in surprise. "How can that be, young miss? You are the mistress of this household."

"Don't worry, Aunt Qing. I won't come into contact with cold water," Chuyu reassured her with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "In the future, I believe I can choose vegetables just as adeptly as my mother selects medicinal herbs. How could I not know how to choose vegetables?"

Qingyu hesitated, about to object, but observing Chuyu enthusiastically picking up a green vegetable, she decided to let it go. Perhaps the young miss was merely indulging in a game of make-believe.

"Aunt Qing, are you similar to Nanny Xu, who accompanied my mother upon her arrival at the City Lord's residence?" Chuyu initiated a casual conversation.

Qingyu didn't dwell on it much and nodded, "At that time, Madam was still here, overseeing the residence. She assigned me and another maid named Hongtao to Third Madam's service."

"I was brought in from outside, unlike Hongtao, who came from a family within the household."

She paused briefly, "We later moved to Qinglan Garden, but Hongtao disliked its dilapidated state. Leveraging her connections, she managed to transfer to another courtyard."

"Many second- and third-class maids in that courtyard refused to accompany Madam to Qinglan Garden. However, I remembered Madam's kindness and thought of the young miss still growing within her, so I chose to remain."

"Originally, Madam wanted to assign more maidservants to Qinglan Garden to take care of Third Madam during her pregnancy, but Third Madam declined."

Although Qingyu's explanation was somewhat vague, Chuyu grasped its essence.

Third Madam harbored concerns that the assigned maidservants could be spies and potentially harm her and her unborn child. Thus, she accepted Qingyu's service alone.

"Aunt Qing, you are truly kind. It's no wonder Mother values

you so highly and even allows me to address you as 'aunt.' Mother treats you like her own sister," Chuyu praised warmly.

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