Chapter 25

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It has been 2 weeks since Lorenzo and I talked outside in the garden. Since then, we have definitely gotten much closer with each other. Whether that be through countless hours of training in the gym, or doing our cardio workout at night. It of course requires a lot less clothing, but I enjoy the human anatomy.

"Alessia you're not focused." Enzo states sternly, pulling me out of my thoughts. I let out a deep breath, and continue to throw a series of calculated punches to the punching bag.

Lorenzo has had the honor of helping me get my strength back, considering how long it's been since i've been on a mission. We spend most of his free afternoons in the gym working on my upper body and core strength.

"I need you to put more of your body weight into the punches, it will improve your force way more than you think" He states using his hands to grip the side of my hips from the back, adjusting my position.

"Well I'm not going to be able to focus when you touch me like that" I reply while catching my breath. I feel his hand stop as he steps closer to me, my back now to his chest.

"How am I touching you Alessia?" He states quietly in my ear, while dragging his finger tips up the side of my thigh. So very slowly.

I feel a trail of shivers as his fingers make their way to the band if my shorts, causing my legs to involuntarily squeeze together.

"Like that" I reply breathlessly, slightly pushing into him. He moves his hand away smirking, satisfied with my reaction.

"This is supposed to be a high-intensity workout that's going to push you amor.  Now I know you can handle it. So tell me, why is it that me simply touching  you gets your heart more worked up than our training ?" Lorenzo asks, a small smile playing at his face.

"The next time your working out" I say while walking past him and pealing away the tape around my hands, "I'll slide my hand down the front of your dick and see how focused you can be".

"Cute." He says coming up behind me again, "But you know I prefer your mouth" And with that he walks away to the gyms office to grab his shirt. 

I shake my head and walk over to the bench to grab my water.

"Ah princess, so happy to see you up and running again" Antonio states, walking into the gym with Dom and Victoria, pulling me into an embrace.

"Antonio that was three weeks ago" I tell him while playfully pushing him away.

"Yes and I've only seen you for one so my fault if I haven't been exactly up to date" He replies dramatically.

"Oh? You guys talking about the last time I kicked your ass? That was fun, wasn't it Alessia," Victoria states condescendingly, stepping up next to Antonio.

My mood immediately falters.

"Victoria." Dominic tells her, eyeing her disapprovingly.

"What I'm just saying, it was an easy fight, considering she was daddies best assassin and all," She continues now standing directly in front of me. "You should have listened to Lorenzo, I mean really it was just embarrassing."

I feel my muscles tense up, ready to punch her in the fucking face. I glare at her, taking a step closer to her. 

"Not was, am, I am an assassin, and what's embarrassing, Victoria, is when I bash-"

"Ahem," Lorenzo clears his throat interrupting me. "No one is going to bash anything" He states seriously, looking at all of us. His gaze slightly lingers on me while he greets Antonio, Dom and Vic.

"Lorenzo you might wanna keep her on a leash before she hurts herself" She states in a light tone while attempting to give Lorenzo puppy dog fucking eyes.

I turn my head looking at her, baffled, at what she just said. Now that sets me off, making me done with her bull shit.

Without giving Lorenzo the chance to even reply, I quickly lunge onto her, throwing her ass down to floor. I go on top of Victoria, straddling her, and wrap my hands around her throat. She starts screaming like a fucking maniac, and tries prying my hands away but it doesn't work. 

Fuck. This. Shit.

I feel Lorenzo's arms wrap around me, pulling me off of her. "Alessia. You need to calm down." He tells me with a deadpan look in his eyes.

"Did you not hear  what she said, while looking at you like she's ready to fucking suck you off" I slightly yell with frustration. "I mean really Victoria, next time you might as well take off your top instead of looking at him that desperately." I now tell her, as Dominick helps her up. Lorenzo shakes his head and looks away while mumbling under his breath.

"Um I don't know if you girls are taking suggestions, but the next time you guys fight,  how about you both take your tops off and just start going at it" Antonio states while moving his hands in the air.

We all look at him in disbelief.

"Learn to read the room" Dominick states while patting Antonio's shoulder.

"Victoria." Lorenzo says, ignoring Antonio completely, "You're on probation. No missions for 3 months. No meetings, no events."

"Are you kidding me?" She hissed in disbelief, "She's the one who jumped onto me." She says while pointing a finger at me.

I'll  do it again if you look at him like that one more time.

"Yes but you're the one who provoked her. Alessia's
getting a consequence as well. She's not off the hook."

I look away, shaking my head and crossing my arms.

"I don't have time for this "girl" fight, I have more import things to be worrying about. So this possessive shit you two have going on needs to stop. Focus on your actual work here, before I reconsider your positions. Understand?" He pauses, looking between us both. "Do you understand."

I nod my head and leave the gym, getting away from everyone. I put as much distance between her and I and she still feels way to damn close.

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