Chapter 16

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The ball came quicker than expected. A lot of things are happening unexpectedly lately.

Downing my champagne, I set the glass onto a tray, one of the caterers was walking with. I head to the left side of the ball room, keeping my eye on Alessia.

She notices my stare, and quickly looks away, taking in a deep breath.

The way her dress hugs her every curve is making me want to rip it off of her more and more.

"Lorenzo!" Alessia whisper shouts in the earpiece, bringing me back to reality. I see her eyeing me with an angry expression on her face.

"Yeah sorry, I was lost in thought." I reply back looking side to side, checking and finding Antonio, making his way towards the stairs that lead to the top railing of the ballroom.

"Maybe if you stopped eye fucking her, you would listen to her signal." Antonio states, annoyed?

"Tonio are you angry at him? Like you're actually angry and not sarcastic?" Alessia says, holding in a laugh.

"Well Princess when you lose 2k in a drinking game, let me know if you're mad after k?" He states grumpily.

"Antonio, what did I fucking tell you about gambling? Of all the fucking days to do it, today?" I reply while running my hands through my hair.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I know, my bad. Now can we continue with this fucking plan I'm officially pissed off and want to kill this dickhead."

Right the plan.

"That means to get into position Lorenzo" Alessia states.

"On it," I reply. Alessia has to come to stand where I am, and I have to stand where she is. As we start making our way across the dance floor, the studio lights dim, and couples start gathering around us.


Now they decide to have the couples dance. Great. I quickly grab Alessia's waist and pull her into me.

"Lorenzo, what do you think you're doing?" She asks stiffly, while grabbing my hand, and wrapping her free arm around my neck.

"Well,our plan is going to have to take a momentary pause. Got that Antonio?" I state.

"Yep, I'm in position for whenever you guys are ready." He replies in the earpiece.

The slow music starts, and we begin to sway to the rhythm. I can feel her tense as I tighten my grip on her waist, spinning her around, so her back is now to my front.

"Lorenzo, maybe try to keep it in your pants yeah?" She says while gracefully might I add, moving her hips side to side.

"Not like I can help it when your ass is rubbing against my dick." I say sharply against her ear, moving her hair away from her shoulder, allowing my fingers to graze over the spot. I feel her tense up, then smirk, knowing I can make her vulnerable with just a simple touch.

The music starts to slow even more, and I turn her back around, facing me. I feel her body relax, as she leans into me more. I stare into her eyes. Her beautiful hazel eyes stare back at me, and she tilts her head slightly.

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