Chapter 6

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It has been three days. Three days since my encounter with Lorenzo. Three days since I was given my reminder about my failure that night. The bruise has barely even lightened, still looking fresh. I have tried covering it up with almost everything and anything but have failed. So I walk around with a fake smile in hopes that it will cover up the true pain of the bruise. But of course my smile only covers the pain I allow myself to show on the outside. Never the inside.

Currently, I am locked up inside one of our empty stone rooms. Earlier today I said something that pissed off my father, so as always he responded with "know your place" and whatnot. So here I am, in the same cold empty room. Father locks me up for a couple of hours because he thinks I will learn to respect him. I will never give him a single ounce of my respect. No father deserves the respect from the child they beat. Especially when it's their own daughter.

I sit in the corner, knees to my chest. I lay my head back against the wall, and let out a small sigh of pain as I attempt to move my finger. During the argument earlier, I gave a wave of my hand which seemed to displease him. Now I have yet another painful reminder.

I give my attention to the door as I hear the key unlocking it. I stand to my feet, prepared for another lecture. Father slowly walks in, shutting the door behind him.

"Have you learned your lesson?" He asks instantly.

"Yes." I reply looking straight at him.

"Do you understand that it is absolutely intolerable for you to disrespect me?"


The same two questions he asks when he gets ready to let me go.

"Good. I have news. Not to long ago, I have received information that the Russians invaded the Italians estate. To my understanding, Leonardo, Bella, and Lorenzo were all home at that time. I am not sure how, but Bella was shot in the head by Antonov. Lorenzo and Leonardo both witnessed this murder single handedly."

I could feel my chest tighten as I took in everything he just told me. There is no way Lorenzo and his father were left untouched. I have dealt with Antonov before, he is not someone to show mercy so quickly. Not unless he gets something in return.

"How long ago did this happen?" I found myself asking instead of the pressing questions in my mind.

"Three days ago."


He not only failed his mission that night, but lost his mother, and without a doubt was left with more than a scratch from Antonov. He likes to make his mark, almost like father.

"Father, who told about this. There is no way Leonardo would have called you just to inform you about their loss."

"That is none of your concern. I have my connections. That is all you need to know. Now go upstairs to your room. I don't want to have to see your face more than usual." He replies, anger rising in his voice. He opens the door and leaves to his office. 

Before heading over to my room, I grab bandages and a little metal plate to support my fingers. I close the cabinet door holding the medical supplies and head upstairs. I set everything onto my bed after locking my door closed. I'm a paranoid sleeper thinking father will come in at any moment. And believe me, the nightmare's don't help either.

I connect my index finger to my middle and place the metal plate beneath them. I carefully wrap the bandage, tight enough to where the are immobile. As I quickly clean up, I go over to my bathroom to get ready for bed. After drying my face with a small towel, I slip on a t-shirt and a black pair of shorts.

I shut off all the lights, and check to make sure my door is locked once more. I let out a huff of disappointment, knowing sleep won't welcome me as easily tonight. When does it ever.

My thoughts start to drift over to Lorenzo. Where the fuck where the guards? Why didn't they see the Russians coming. Typical of Lorenzo to be so careless. I feel my anger suppress as sorrow makes it way through my mind. Shit, I think while closing my eyes. I cannot imagine what he must be going through. Losing his mother had to have taken a toll on him. Yes, I hate the bitch, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him. I drift off to an unsettling sleep, while my heart aches for Lorenzo's loss.


I abruptly woke up with a thin layer of sweat on my head. Yet another nightmare came to haunt me in my sleep. I internally groaned, considering it's the same thing every night. I look over and see that my clock read 5:30 am. Knowing I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, I got up from my bed and grabbed my black hoodie. A bit of fresh air will help calm my nerves. I start walking to my only safe spot on the estate. The rose garden.

I usually come here on the days I feel most broken. Lately, I find myself here every morning. I take in a deep breath and close my eyes. I'm so fucking tired of my life. Having to live up to a certain expectation, daily, is exhausting.

As the sun started to rise, I decided to head inside for some breakfast. Walking past the kitchens, I hear the name Lorenzo pop up in the conversation that two maids are having.

"I hear that Lorenzo boy is hosting a funeral for is mother tomorrow around 3:30" The blonde one said.

"Oh my, poor Bella, I used to work for her. Very nice lady. What a shame.." The other exclaims.

"Yes, I also heard that, by Bellas personal wishes, is going being buried in the cemetery at Frontford Valley. It was her hometown." The blonde replied.

I walk away from their conversation, feeling my heart break a little for his mom. Maybe I should quickly go to the service. Although I didn't know her, I feel the need to pay my respects. Maybe even see how Lorenzo is doing.

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