Chapter 9

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Fuck, he saw .

I attempt to hide my face, even though I know that it will do me no justice.

"Alessia. Look at me." He states in a demanding tone.

"I just wanted to pay my respects then go-"

"Alessia." He states again.

"I'm sorry for what happened, and I need to get going." I continue, ignoring that he is calling my name. I give him subtle headhood, then turn to leave.

"Who." I knew what he was asking, but I had to act dumb.

"What do you mean." I ask innocently.

"Your a smart girl, Alessia. Who hit you." He asked in more if a stern tone.

"That is none of your concern Lorenzo." I reply slightly lifting my head to appear more stern.

"None of my concern? You show up to my mother's funeral uninvited, with a bruise on your face and tell me it's none of my concern?" He states, while in disbelief.

I let out a small sarcastic chuckle in shock as to what he had just said.

"Sorry Mr. Romano, I didn't know I needed your permission to come pay my respects. Now if you don't mind I need to get going before my father notices i'm gone. Sorry for your loss." I state, more aggressively than intended.

I turn away and start to make my way back to the car, not noticing that he was following behind me.

I quickly unlock the car, then reach for the handle to get inside, as I open the door, it gets pushed shut by a very familiar hand. One with tattoos that run along it.

"Your father hit you didn't he"

I take in a deep breath.

"Why are you here Alessia" He states.

Still looking straight ahead, hesitating slightly, I respond, "I seem to be repeating myself quite a lot to you" Now I turn and face him eye to eye, "Who did this is none of your concern understand?" I point my finger at him, pushing it against his chest as I continue, "The only, and I mean the only reason why i'm not kicking your ass right now is because of what happened to your mother. Unlike you, I actually have an ounce of decency to pay my respects. And even if my father did hit me why do you care so much huh?"

He looks at me blankly, unfazed by what I said, then walks closer to me.

"I hope you don't think that I care about you getting hit. You probably deserves it anyways. I just wanted to know who so you could simply give them my greatest thanks for helping me in my job."


He abruptly grabs my neck and pushes me against the car door, as I fight to hold back my tears. Yes he's Lorenzo and I shouldn't give two fucks about what he has to say, but still, he's Lorenzo.

He leans in, and whispers into my ear.

"I pity you Alessia." He states while smirking.

Fuck this shit

I grab his arm that is around my throat and twist left, which cause he to slightly stumble back wards. I push both his shoulders back against the car so now he's the one pressed against it.

"You had your fun Lorenzo, now it's my turn. Let's start with that pretty little mouth of your's. You need to learn when to shut the fuck up, got it-

The very suddenly, I felt a very familiar cold metal end of a gun press against the back of my head.

"Back the fuck up now princess" A unfamiliar voice speaks casually, catching me off guard.

"Antonio drop the damn gun." Lorenzo says while pushing me off of him.

I roll my eyes and turn around to look at who is supposedly Antonio.

He looked to be around my age. Young. Cute.

"So this is the one and only Alessia that you just can't seem to kill, isn't Enzo." Antonio states with a big smirk on his face.

"Shut the fuck up Antonio, don't you have some whore waiting for you somewhere." Lorenzo says while putting his hand to the bridge of his nose.

"First of all, ouch man" Antonio states while putting his hand to his heart, acting hurt.

He walks over to Lorenzo and puts a hand on his shoulder, "Secondly, i'm not like that anymore. It's a new years revolution, except in the middle of September."

Enzo gives him a look as if he just said the most stupidest things a person could say.

"Lorenzo you should learn to have a sense of humor like this kid. Maybe people will actually start to tolerate you." I input, while trying to hold back my laugh.

Lorenzo turns his head and looks at me in utter disgust.

"Great theres two of them now" Lorenzo says.

"Thanks princess, Yo Enzo I like this one." Antonio states while winking at me.

"Don't call me that"

"Don't call her that"

We both state at the same time.

After an awkward moment of silence, Lorenzo speaks up, "Okay what the fuck is going on, we are standing in the middle of a cemetery, wet, and cold as fuck. I don't know what this whole social interaction is but i'm over this shit." "Alessia try to fucking touch me again, and I will not hesitate to make sure you finally get to meet my mom, understood?" Lorenzo says while walking up to me, not breaking eye contact.

Oh that was very uncalled for. But damn does he look handsome-

"Bro that's so fucked" Antonio oh so awkwardly states, breaking me out of thought.

We both turn our heads and stare at Antonio.

"Uh okay, so, i'm sensing this weird sexual tension between you two, so imma just head out, I will catch you later Enzo" Antonio states while quickly patting Lorenzo's arm then heading over to his car.

As i'm about to say something back, I feel my phone start to vibrate.

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck it's father.

Lorenzo must have noticed the panic build up on my face and grabs the phone and answers with a tone of utter pain,

"Mr.Grey, ah fuck, he grunts, acting like he's in "pain". This is Lorenzo..Yes the son of Leonardo Romano, so your daughter is busy kicking my ass right now and dropped her phone, when i'm finished with her, I'll make sure to tell her daddy called yeah?"

He pulls away the phone from him while my father yells at him about how "I'll end him", "Kill him", blah, blah, blah.

He rolls his eyes in boredom, and I give him a little smirk.

"Okay Mr. Grey that's enough." He states while blatantly hanging up on him.

He hands the phone back to me, then gently grabs ahold of my chin, lifting my face up so he can see the bruise.

"I think I just saved your ass from getting another one of these. Consider it a way of me saying thanks for you coming to pay your respects. Unfortunately, there will be no killing each other today, I have enough death in my life already. Go home Alessia, shower, sleep, I don't fucking care just go away, and if I ever, and I mean ever find out he laid his hands on you again, I will not hesitate to make sure that he doesn't see the light of day again."

He lets me go and walks to what I assume is back to his car.

I get into my car and take a breath. I take the car out of park then drive out of the cemetery, goosebump's instantly leaving my body.

What the actual fuck just happened.

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