Chapter 3

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I slammed the door while walking into my room. Punching the wall with anger, "Fuck" I whispered to myself, thinking about how she got away again.

"Well" Antonio sighs, "From the looks of that wall, it seems to me that I already have my answer."

I drop my now bruised knuckles, and sigh while turning to glare at him. I furrow my eyebrows in annoyance, "What the fuck do you mean Antonio"

"Obviously you let her get away, again." He stated while rolling his eyes.

"I don't know if it has dawned on you yet, but it isn't easy to catch that stubborn bitch."I say with a hint of anger in my voice.

"Well whatever it is needs to fucking stop, because your dad is getting pissed and frankly I think this cat and dog chase needs to end. "

I rub my my hands over my face in frustration. "What do you think I've been trying to do for the past 2 fucking years."

" Whatever you say Enzo, tomorrow is a new day, get some rest and we'll talk about it later. I'll send someone to fix that lovely hole in your wall..'night Mr. Incompetent. " He says jokingly. I grab the pillow next to me,and throw it at him while he's shutting the door.

As soon as I close my eyes, I hear my fathers deep voice call for me from the east side of the estate,"Lorenzo, my office. Now." I can't get five fucking minutes of piece can I.

As soon as I step foot into his office, I can sense the anger rising in him.

"Sit." He states sternly, running one hand anxiously through his hair and the other rummaging through papers.

"Lorenzo, do you know why I have had this job for so long." Not giving me a chance to respond he continues, "This is because I know how to get things done. So tell me why you have been assigned one simple task two years ago, and still haven't succeeded." "You realize how serious this is right? This is the mafia, there is no dicking around."

What the fuck does he think I've been doing, asking her about her day

"I've been trying dad" I say now leaning forward in my seat, "It's just been...difficult." I exclaim annoyed.

"Difficult? Cut the bullshit Enzo, how difficult could this one task be?"

"I almost had her dad, right there in my hands- she's just..good." I reply now resting my elbows on my knees.

" She may be good Lorenzo, but I've trained you to be better. Look, I understand missions can get hard, but you need to get your head out of your ass and focus." "Do you understand." He says with a serious expression.

"Yes father." I say meeting his gaze.

"On the other hand" He states taking a long sip of his whiskey, while once again running his free hand through his hair."Tonight when you were out, the guards found one of Antonov's men trying to break into the estate. We took him down and tied him up in the basement. I need you to go find out what he wanted." He explains no longer paying attention to my presence, looking down at some paperwork.

When he finished informing me about our little situation, I made my way down to the basement and start going through a number of security checks.

"He's in room 5A" One of the guards speaks up. I do a simple nod as I turn the corner of the hallway and reach the room.

As I enter, I notice that he's been beaten in the face with his head hanging low. His ankles and wrists are bounded by chains to the chair. Antonio silently walks in and stands by the table lined with our "tools", next to the door. I give him a nod of acknowledgment, and start with the fun. Call me sick, but I love hearing people scream.

In more ways than one

I roll up my sleeves and slowly start walking up to him.

"Trying to leave so soon?" I state with a dark tone. "You only just got here after all." I notice the fear that he quickly masks away in his eyes as he looks up at me.

" Let me fucking go!" He shouts with his russian accent.

" You know I can't do that" I say with a sarcastic ring to my voice. "Let me refresh your memory, you were trying to break into our estate, at least that's that's what I was told. Why?"

"I'm not telling you shit". He states darkley.

"Listen, today has been really shitty, so i'm not in the mood for games." I lift up his chin and punch him in the face, causing him to spit out blood.

"Now I'm going to ask one more fucking time. Why?"

"Like I said, I'm not telling you shit." He says with a low chuckle. My fist connects with his face once more, causing me to feel the crack of his bone. Before he has the chance to yell out a smart ass comment, I reach for the knife that's on the table and slam it into his thigh. I feel the muscle wrap around the blade and smile as he screams in pain. I tilt my head to the side, ready to ask him once again.

"Fucking tell me now or else I'll be the last face you'll ever see"

He looks up at me and smirks.

"Go fuck yourself" he replies. I give out a small laugh while shaking my head . I turn to get my gun from the table, loading it up with bullets.

"Glady" I say my voice deadly. I quickly turn to him and shoot him right in between the eyes.

Everything is covered in blood, his body, the chair, the floor, hell even me. Nothing but the ghost of his screams echos the walls. I turn to one of my guys and order him to clean up.

"Well that didn't go well." Antonio speaks up. For a second I forgot that he was still in the room with me. I give him a glare as I wipe my hands. I throw away the now blood stained rag, and storm up to my room.

I walk into my room and slam the door behind me. First, she gets away, then this motherfucker gave us no information. My night just keeps getting worse and worse.

I head to my bathroom and turn on my shower, making sure the water temperature is well beyond hot. After a couple of minutes, the bathroom started to steam up, so I began to undress. As soon as I step under the water, my skin starts to turn into a light shade of red. I close my eyes and tilt my head back, letting out a sigh. I feel the weight of his blood wash off me and into the drain. I let the hot water fall down my body, while feeling my muscles start to relax.

What a fucking day

I finish washing up then head over to my closet to throw on a pair of briefs and grey sweatpants. After turning off all the lights, I head over to my bed and get under the covers.

But the second I close my eyes, I am quickly awakened by a violent rumble of the estate,  followed by the sounds of my fathers distressed shouts ..

A/N (Antonov is the leader of the Russian Mafia:)

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