"What's the closest community?"

"The Outlands."

"But uncle, I'm weak. I need to recharge."

"Your granny will help with that. She will help with Ashford and Traja as well. In the meantime. Me and a couple of elves and vampires will hold them off. We will protect the people in the Outlands."

I had tears in my eyes. "C-can you call my dad. I need him."

"No and you don't need your father. You got this. Show your parents you can handle your own against anything. Someday they won't be here to guide you. Just remember he's not your brother right now. Don't hesitate."

I hesitated. "But."

"Don't die trying to save him. He can handle it."

I nodded. "It really did hurt me to fight Mickey. Of course we practice fighting all the time but this, this was different."

"You have a couple days then we need you. You and Mickey's powers are unmatched. With him gone, it's up to you."


"Let's go."

I laid my hand on his shoulder and teleported us back to the kingdom. I went straight to Ashford. On the way I saw Mickey's mate. She was yelling at a servant. I actually heard her before I saw her.

"Hey, we don't yell at servants here. If you can't abide by our rules then you can leave. And since you're so ungrateful you won't have servants. Do it yourself. Marco, spread the word that she is not to be helped."

"Right away princess." He bowed and left.

Her face held a nasty frown. "When I'm queen....."

I laughed. "It's funny that you think you will be queen. Mickey has already chosen Ashford as his queen. You will always and forever be his side mate."

I walked off. I heard her huffing and puffing but I don't have time for her.


Ashford Pov

I was in bed resting when Makay came in. I smiled at her. "I heard you kicked ass. I'm so proud of you." She blushed. "I'm still wondering how everyone knew what happened. If it was gran then I can't believe she sat back and watched us beat on each other." She stared at me hard.

"I-i was there. When Mickey, I mean Chaos. I mean when we got there he was..."

I held up a hand. "I know what you mean and to be honest. It shook me. I'm very afraid to face him again, but I know I will have to. Someone was brave enough to talk to me about your mother and father and their warlock situation. Everyone said that it was Queen Areasume that tamed his warlock. One time he made her so mad that she picked him up and threw him all over the hall in front of everyone."

She gasped. "No way."

I giggled. "She did. Apparently when you two were born he tried to keep you away from her and she went all barbaric on him."

My smile dropped. "Granted, your father had his warlock a while before she came alone. They said that when the warlock first came your father couldn't be stopped and he was forever changed. Mean, cruel."

We got sad and quiet for a while. "After that conversation I knew it had to be me. It sure won't be his human mate. She will die."

"Pff. I just saw her screaming at a servant. She's a real piece of work and I don't like her."

"Well all that aside. Do you think you can hold them off until I'm healed? Then I'll come help. Another thing. My instincts are screaming at me to check things out with Mila. The bonding ropes wouldn't bond us. Your gran said that it could be a number of things, but my guess is that she's hiding something. When Mickey finally gets his warlock under control I want him to come home to a solidified union."

"Sure. Grandpa Mickey is getting some battle strategy together. They are unstoppable head on so I will plan a sneak attack and catch them off guard. I will try to get Declan on his own first. Hopefully I can sway his warlock quicker than Mickey's.

I nodded. "Good plan."

She smiled then kissed my forehead. "Get some rest. Love you."

"Love you too. You get some rest as well. You have a hard battle coming up."

She winced then left. When she left I deflated. I was physically and mentally drained. I would be lying if I said that Mickey doesn't scare me. He scared me as his regular self. Now I'm downright terrified. But this is Mickey. He deserves my dedication. He can't help who or what he was born as. I vowed years ago to be there for him when his warlock came. He made us all promise. But he really didn't have to, we all love Mickey. He's scary but his sense of family is strong.

That's why it saddens me that I have to put him on the back burner so that he will have a future to come back to. "I will take care of this Mickey, then I will come save you. Even if it kills me." 

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