OC- Ivy

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Name: Ivy Moore

Age: 19

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Personality: She looks like she'd be seriously hardcore, but she is a total sweetheart and is actually very soft spoken. She is a total dork to, always grinning and laughing at the stupidest things. She's also very smart, but jumpy at times, though won't hesitate to defend her friends using her words. She can be very playful and a bit of a flirt when she wants to be and she is a hopeless romantic too.

Crush: Eddie Munson (Main crush), Jason (Backup, opposites attract dynamic)

Looks/Face claim: Short blonde hair dyed dark blue, round grey eyes, pale skin and freckles. She's short for her age by about a foot.

Outfits or general style: Leather jackets, fishnet tights, doc martens, denim/leather skirts, lots of patches and studs, chokers, dark make up, spiked wristbands, studded belts, band shirts, mis match socks over her fishnets

Favourite song: Youth Gone Wild by Skidrow "Since I was born they couldn't hold me down..another misfit kid..another burned out town. Never playing by the rules..I never really cared.."

Fears: Being forgotten

Backstory: She'd grown up in Hawkins her whole life, being raised by her grandparents.

She was a punk, though she dressed like that purely for the style (and her love of rock music).

She was surprisingly sweet though despite her tough appearance, and was a total sweetheart to those she considered friends. She met Eddie during middle school and the two got along pretty well. They'd just hang out and listen to music, and she'd often watch his band practice.

She was a bit of a musician herself, though instead of playing an instrument, she sang. 

She went to highschool with Eddie two and the pair only got closer and ended up falling for each other, and they finally confessed during one of their weekly movie nights.


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