-Fluff Prompts/Starters-

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But I made them up

-"You're too cute, you know that right?"

-"You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now"

-"I love you, more than you could possibly imagine"

-"Come on! I want cuddles!"

-"Aw, feeling sleepy are we?"

-"Come here, I want a hug."

-"Here, let me help."

-"What? I wasn't listening, I was too busy admiring you"

-"Oh, never thought you were the hopeless romantic type."

-"You make me whole, sweetheart. Never forget that."

-"Sweetie/Darling/Love! I made you something!"

-"I have a present for you, close your eyes."

-"Do you like it?"

-"I want to spend every minute of my life with you."

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