~OC 4 - Cindy~

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((I managed to delete the chapter, thankfully I had it saved in google docs to so I could repost it lol))

"There isn't a day that I don't wish I could go back and change what happened, ya know. I've lost too many people at this point...can't bear to lose anyone else."

Name: Cynthia Meadows (formerly) Cynthia Hopper (After being adopted)

Nicknames: Cindy (Everyone)

Cece (A few of her friends)

Age: 16 (s1)
17 (s2)
18 (s3)
19 (s4)

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Personality: Rebellious but caring. She often ignores what her father tells her to do and will do her own thing, just wanting to help. She is also pretty adventurous and is always up for some fun. She's sarcastic at times, and loves to joke around. She is also very caring and sweet to the people she is closest too, as well as being a huge joker who loves to goof off.

Crush: Steve (Main), Eddie or Billy (Backup)

Looks/Face claim: Long, wavy black hair that reaches halfway down her back. Bluey-grey eyes. Pretty tall for her age (Actually being taller than her love interest).

Outfits or general style: Shorts or skirts with suspenders, striped socks, T-shirts and button up shirts, leather or denim jackets, and sneakers.

Favourite song: Ballroom Blitz by The Sweet

"What? This is 100% the best song."

Fears: Fast moving vehicles (It reminds her of the accident mentioned in her backstory)

Backstory: She lost her real parents in a car accident when she was only four. Of course the police were called, Hopper and some of the other police officers went to the site of the accident, and at first it was assumed that only two people were in the car at the time, until Hopper heard a child crying in the back seat, and saw a little girl, that girl being Cynthia. He got her out of the car and the child grew attached to him within minutes and he pushed aside his initial idea to find someone else to look after her and decided to take her in.

When Hopper's real daughter died, Cynthia was just as upset, having seen the girl as a sister.

When Hopper moved to Hawkins from New York, Cynthia went with him.

Of course, she was 16 when Will disappeared and refused to sit back and let her father do everything, she wanted to help everyone too. Of course, she had to sneak out to help when he was already out, or she'd get in trouble. She ended up bumping into the kids (Dustin, Mike, Lucas and El) and helping them.

Throughout season 2, she obviously went to school but still got involved in all the chaos, when she wasn't keeping El company after Hopper found her and got her to stay in his cabin anyway.

She got a job at StarCourt during season 3 and ended up getting dragged into the scoops troupe's little mission.

Season four pretty much played out the same, except with her in it. She would probably be targeted by Vecna due to the accident when she was four as she already has nightmares about it sometimes anyway, so she would already be an easy target.


Sometimes has nightmares about the accident, on days where that happens she gets little to no sleep, and it's normally very obvious when the day after.

Often sneaks out to hang out with friends, never telling her father because he's either busy, or she is worried he won't be happy if she does.

"Hey, we're friends, right? Friends, pals, buddies. All of them, that's us."

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