~OC 3- Eliza~

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"Listen, there is no such thing as 'too dangerous for me' yeah? I got this."

Name: Eliza May Barker

Age: 17 in season 1, 18 in season 2, 19 in season 3, 20 as of season 4

Nicknames: Liza, Lizzy, Eli, Liz (Various)
Rascal (Family and close friends)
Reckless Idiot (Friends)
The Hawkins Daredevil (Various)

Big sis (Her four younger siblings)

Weirdo (Her twin brother)

Backstory: Eliza grew up in Hawkins her whole life. As a child she used to love sneaking out, climbing trees and trying to pull off stunts on bikes. At the age of 17 she saved up and got herself a motorbike and would do different stunts on it, her helmet hiding her identity. Soon, people would crowd to watch her and she quickly earned the name "The Hawkins Daredevil", pulling off any reckless stunts people dared her to do no matter how dangerous and became a sort of local celebrity among the people of Hawkins.

Of course nobody knew it was her and so she spent her life outside of stunts like a normal girl. She went to school, got a job after graduating etc. She would spend the odd occasion looking after her younger siblings when her parents were away on business trips, considering her twin had moved to another city once him and Eliza had turned 18.

But there was a twist, she ended up joining the group, getting sucked into the chaos and having to help.

She openly came up with a risky plan, which would put her at risk, but refused to back down, revealing that she was the daredevil.

She met Billy half way through season two, having seen him being a jerk to someone else and so she decided to stand up to him. Eventually, the two argued and to settle the argument she challenged him to a race, him in his car and her on her motorbike. And much to everyone's surprise, she beat him.

Impressed Billy decided to talk to her, and the two ended up becoming friends, even though Eliza still hated the way he treated others, so she tried to help him get better. The two ended up falling for each other somewhere in the process.


Long light blonde hair, with a strip of it dyed a dark blue, normally down or tied in a low ponytail. She has dark grey eyes, pale skin and freckles. She's taller than average and has a somewhat lean build.

Face claim: Amanda Seyfried

Love Interest:
Billy Hargrove (Though for this I will use an AU version of him where he went through a redemption arc instead of dying and became a better person, he would still be a bit of a flirt and a ladies man though. Why? Because in all honesty I hated his guts because seemed like such a sh**ty person, and I hated him for it (But when I saw how his dad treated him I realised why he was like that, but I still thought it wasn't an excuse for his actions), but then the end of season 3 where he sort of started to redeem himself by sacrificing himself for the others and apologizing for everything he did to Max I started to respect him. I feel like if he had survived he would have tried to make amends with everyone he wronged, since he was willing to make it up to one person and died before he could make amends with everyone else. To put it short, I hate canon Billy with a passion and therefore will not use the canon version of him in anything, the only thing he has going for him is his looks (Which I do admit is the only thing I like about him, his personality is crap, I wanted to just punch his damn face when I was watching the series), however, the fanon stuff on tumblr where he tries to be a better person and makes amends with everyone, yeah that fanon version is the version I like. Anyways, my rambling is over.

"I...I don't know where I want to go in life... but you know, they always say its the journey and not the destination... or something like that."

Weapons: She literally just uses her dad's old axe as a weapon

Personality: Reckless. She is very, very reckless. She is always in the mood for fun, and is always happy to talk to others. She is not easily flustered, someone could sit flirting with her for hours and she wouldn't blush once. She normally does stuff she knows is dangerous or risky because of the thrill and is a total adrenaline junkie. She can be pretty sarcastic at times, but is mostly friendly, albeit a little bit cocky sometimes. She is a naturally caring person though, who always puts others first. Having got used to having to be the one to take care of her younger siblings, she got used to being there for others, but in turn she's not used to letting others care for her.

Outfit style:
Cropped t-shirts, baggy jeans, boots, long sleeved shirts, sneakers, vests, leather jackets. (When doing stunts)

Dresses, fake leather trousers, shorts, vests, denim or leather jackets, tights, ankle boots, headbands (Every day)

"What do you mean dumb? This is not dumb, it's fun. Duh."

Likes: Adrenaline, Doing her own thing, Hanging out with friends, music, art

Dislikes: Being shouted at, Being ignored, Being alone

Fears: Being yelled at (thanks to an incident during her childhood which just stuck with her. The incident being when she was around 5 or 6 her friends decided to trick her into going into someone's garden, their property, and when the person saw her they screamed at her. With how young she was at the time it terrified her and the fear stuck ever since)

"I like to believe people change, you know. There's good in everyone, well mostly everyone. There are exceptions."

Favourite song: Despite liking rock, her favourite song is Take a Chance On Me by Abba. It's her go to when she needs a pick me up because it always brings a smile to her face.

Extra: She has four younger siblings and a twin brother.

She moved out at 18 with the money she'd made by selling handmade items and doing odd jobs here and there, and bought her own house.

Her mother often calls her to come and take her younger siblings to her house and look after them while her parents are away on business trips. Even before she moved out she spent most of her time taking care of her siblings because her parents were almost always away at work or on business trips.

Her parents want her to be a perfect girl (Wearing dresses, being polite and sweet etc.) but she hates it. Because of this, her stunts and motorbiking at first started of an act of rebellion but she ended up enjoying it.

Her room is covered in movie posters (Grease, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Poltergeist and Labyrinth being the main ones). She also has a lot of photos of her and her siblings on the walls in her room. She has an old vinyl record player, and a ton of vinyls, as well as having her Bike helmet and leather jacket hung up on a makeshift mannequin.

Her vinyls include bands like AC/DC, Kiss, Queen, Iron Maiden and Skidrow as well as some musicians such as David Bowie. She is also secretly a fan of Abba but will never admit it to anyone.

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