-More fluffy prompts-

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These are all scenarios from an OTP prompt generator, but I add some ideas to each one.

1. Crush just got OC out of a dangerous situation and is now treating their wounds at a small house.

OC has just been badly hurt by the creatures from the upside down, Crush is tending to their wounds. They try to be mad at OC for doing something so reckless and getting hurt, but they can't bring themselves to be mad, and end up being really sweet and joking around to make OC laugh and help them ignore their pain (Thus making it fluffy and cute).

Roles can be switched.

2. Crush and OC driving in heavy rain. It's getting hard to see anything, so they pull over and find a covered picnic area to wait out the storm. They talk until it's safe to drive again, and find out loads of new things about each other.

Okay but imagine they aren't a couple yet, but are really good friends and as they talk they slowly realise just how much they want to be a couple instead of just friends, and as the storm comes to an end one of them finally decides to confess. Imagine just how sweet that would be.

3 . Crush really wants to give OC a special gift for their anniversary and secretly learn how to draw/play an instrument/write poetry/play a specific song so they can draw/play/write something/play OC's favourite song specifically for OC

Just a super cute idea really. Imagine Crush is busy learning to do one of those things, but to keep it a secret they end up avoiding OC, who gets the wrong idea. On their anniversary they are hanging out when OC confronts Crush, convinced that the reason they have been avoiding OC is because they don't like them anymore. But then crush just explains and pulls out whatever they made for OC or does whatever they'd been planning and OC realises how wrong they were.

Roles can be switched

4. Crush and OC are friends and they secretly have feelings for one another. One day, OC gets into a difficult fight in which they win but are left injured and unconscious and are later found by Crush. Crush immediately starts taking care of them and confesses how they feel at the same time as OC They have a very shy first kiss after that.

Just think this is super cute. (I mean I have an OC who will fight anyone if they something bad about her friends so...)

Roles can be switched

5. Crush finding OC's hobby which is quite unusual for their personality and decides to dabble in it too, finding they like it too and it's something they do together.

Again, just super cute!

6. OC and Crush shopping, with one of them being way more excited about it than the other who just kinda drags around and carries their bags.

No notes for this one

7. OC and Crush go to a fair/amusement park and OC wants to go on the roller coaster and Crush agrees. Later, Crush regrets their decision and ends up clinging onto OC for dear life.

Roles can be switched

8. OC is the intimidating, scarier half. Their group of friends seem them wearing an adorable, soft, pastel pink sweater and laugh at them. Until Crush jumps on OC's back, grinning and kissing OC's cheek because Crush took forever saving up to buy them that sweater.

Just pure wholesome, role can be switched

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