-More random prompts-

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So, I found an otp prompt generator, but the prompts can also be used a rp prompts so here are a few.

1. OC is a ghost who falls in love with Crush, but Crush can't see them. Does OC do anything to make Crush notice them? (Roles can be reversed) (Also the angst)

2. OC hurt their ankle and is laid up with a cast and crutches. Crush is sitting next to them, doodling little hearts on their cast to cheer them up. (Roles can be reversed) (Pure fluff)

3. OC and Crush getting locked in a store. (Any kind of store. Just imagine)

4. Crush and OC's child coming to sleep with them after having a bad dream. (Future AU! They've grown up, got a child etc)

5. They are on a ferris wheel, and everything is going great - until it gets stuck at the very top. For thirty whole minutes. (Fluffy, cute, maybe a little romantic. Unless one is scared of heights)

6. OC and Crush go on a camping trip. OC forgets to bring a sleeping bag, so they have to squeeze into Crush's sleeping bag with them. (Imagine, Crush saying that OC can have their sleeping bag, but OC refuses to let them go without because they'd feel bad and so the two end up sharing one)

7. Crush wakes to find that it had snowed overnight and gets excited about playing in it. OC gets excited because this means that when they both come inside, it will be time for cuddling by the fire. (Fluffy and cute)

8. OC and Crush were separated for several years for reasons they couldn't help. They finally find each other and have a heartfelt reunion. (Fluff and maybe a little angst all wrapped into one scenario? Yes please!)

9. OC and Crush have to work together on a science/psychology project for school/college. The project is on the psychology of attraction.

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