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" - and Heavenly Father I pray you keep your hand over all family and friends in this group , guide us through our battles and bring us tranquility, AMEN" my mother finished off the prayer

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" - and Heavenly Father I pray you keep your hand over all family and friends in this group , guide us through our battles and bring us tranquility, AMEN" my mother finished off the prayer.

We all sat around the dinner table with plates full of food. I sat next to Jaida and across from my mama. Zay sat next to me on the right and dion sat next to Jaida and Smokey was at the head of the table.

Smokey was already eating as soon as mama finished her prayer. You could just tell he was high as a kite. The whole time we was cooking he was complains about how the food should have already been done.

He finally shut up when he got his plate. Now look at him. Eating like he ain't never ate before. " dang Smokey the plate ain't going nowhere, slow down" i said as i picked up my fork. He looked at me and rolled his eyes before going back to eating.

I let out a small laugh before looking my mama. Sh was whispering in her boyfriend ear giggling and shit. I made a stank face before I caught myself and fixed it. I said I would leave it alone and i am .

It was really just awkward silence until my mama tried to break it. " so , zay how long did it take you to figure out you and jersei were sibling" smokey chocked on his chicken and started coughing up a fit.

He looked between me and zay before doing it again really fast. He smacked his hands against the dinner table " I KNEW, I knew y'all niggas looked alike. But noooo everybody thought I was tripping." He said taking a deep breath.

" and your names jersei, that's cute." He finished before sipping on his cold drink. I molded my head at him and mumbled a small thanks. My mama was still looking at zay waiting for an answer. He swallowed his macaroni before looking at her.

" I found out when she went to jail" is all he said before looking back at his plate. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow and I shook my head.
" we'll she might be acting tough now but I'm sure she's very exited to have you back, isn't that right jersei" she said looking at me and squinting her eyes.

I pierced my lips and rolled my eyes. I mumbled a small "I guess" and left it at that. I saw jaida eyeing my plate and slid it over to her. I wasn't really hungry. I told her ass to get more sonar we were the ones who cooked it but she insisted she wasn't that hungry.

" so zack when do you plan on purposing" i asked taking a sip of my sweet tea. I smirked because I was just trying to start mess but he didn't know that. I quickly made my face straight so he thought I was serious. He coughed a little bit before he looked at me.

I cocked my head to the side while I stared at him.
" maybe in like ten ye-" he paused his sentence when i took my gun out my pants and set it on the table. He looked at it then looked at me " I was thinking next month" he said. I bussed out laughing while my mama glared at me . I couldn't stop. I held my hand to my stomach and stomped my feet. 

" man I'm playing" i said with a chuckle. This nigga was damn near foaming out the moth in panic.
My mama made a face at me and I straightened up.
Besides that it was a solid dinner.

I introduced my mama to spoked and dion (🙄). She ended up leaving at like 11 . We said our i love you's and stuff. I told her I would see here tommarow because she wanted me to come to church with her. I never really wanted to go but I sucked it up for her. I made sure to tell her to lock her door and text me when she gets home.

After she left we really just chilled until they went home. Dion didn't want jaida to stay with me but I didn't really care. Smokey ended up taking a To-go plate talking about this should be a thing we do now.
I watched as they pulled out of my driveway before locking the door and walking into the kitchen.

Jaida was washing dishes, see her ass don't listen because I told her I had those. I grabbed the drying cloth and started drying and putting stuff away. We wiped everything down and sweeped  before we made our way upstairs.

I saw diesel laying down on the bed. All this dog do is sleep I swear. Jaida sat down on the bed and scrolled thought her phone. I sat at my vanity type thing and took off my jewelry and stuff. I hung it all up before taking off my shoes. I grabbed new clothes for the both of us before telling her I was showering.

I washed my body and she ended up getting in after I got out. We watched a couple movies and then needed up falling asleep. It was a peaceful night.
Hey y'all, another update. This is a filler chapter for the next chapter. Buckle up y'all. I said I need to take my twine to build up a plot and here it comes.

What y'all think gonna happens?

Vote and I'll counter to update. Bye ✌🏽

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