Choosing courses

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As for why there were 15 students but Aiden and Valentine sat together, it was because the person in front of them had asked the teacher to sit alone and the latter had strangely made an exception and let him do so.

After explaining a few more things, the teacher showed them the dorms and let them unpack their belongings.

Each student who slept in the dormitory had an individual room. Aiden found his thanks to the number he had been given and saw that his backpack had already been put there.

It was a simple room with a bed, a wardrobe and a desk. There was also a window that showed him the training grounds.

It was all for the first day and the students could now freely regroup and get to know each other or stay in their rooms. They also had to decide which subjects they wanted to specialize in to finalize their timetable for the year.

Since it was an academy for the elite of the nation, there was a wide range of choices, so many that it took an entire book to introduce each one.

Everything was divided into basic, intermediary and advanced level. The intermediate and advanced levels required an additional test to check if the students had the necessary basic knowledge to be able to understand the class.

First, there was the magic field. However, it was divided into several subsections:

There was the broad subject of white magic consisting of simple spells as well as defense magic, offense magic, illusion magic, polymorph magic, transmutation magic and weather manipulation for more advanced mages.

There was also elemental magic with wind, water, earth, fire, lightning, darkness and light magic (from the simplest to the most advanced magic).

Surprisingly, the school offered the basic level of blood magic and black magic, as well as basic to advanced levels of life and death magic aka necromancy.

There were summoning magic, spirit magic, arcane magic, alchemy, enchantment magic, shamanism, animal languages (to communicate with animals), modern magic languages (from the easiest to the most difficult), ancient languages and runes (said to be able to harness the power of ancient magic), the history of magic, divine power and even demonic magic.

For foresight there were divination with the study of dreams, ritual magic and various divination techniques (basic level) then astrology with the study of the night sky (intermediate level) and arithmancy which used mathematics and complex formulas to see patterns in the future (advanced level).

There were also wordless magic and even more advanced magic, which at least required the caster to be at the 7th or 8th circle of magic, which was the level of an archmage: creation magic and space and time magic. Naturally, no archmage would need to study at Twilight Academy and if a first year were even at the 2nd or 3rd circle at that age, there would be considered a genius; so only the theory of these magics was available and the level of basic knowledge required was above the advanced level. (The circles range from 1 to 9 after forming a mana core and refer to the amount of mana one possesses which enables them to complete more complicated spells.)

Being a demon king, Aiden was at the top of the 4th circle, nearing the 5th circle. Of course, compared to other demon kings who had been at the top of magic, the highest level a mage could ever attain, Aiden was still very weak.

The 1st demon king, the strongest demon in history, had reached the top of the 9th circle, which was worlds apart from Aiden's level, and the hero was able to beat all the demon kings by herself...

Aiden shivered at the power of the hero.

After that, there were also the study of demons (demonology), as well as the study of monsters, animals, and plants (botany), as well as criminology, psychology, etc... There were weapon theory class, weapon class, hand to hand combat class, basic to advanced self defense, swordsmanship theory class, swordsmanship class, spearmanship theory class, spearmanship class, daggers theory class and a lot of other weapons like short swords, long swords, double-swordsmanship, shields, bows...

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