Enrolling into Twilight Academy

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Since he had never come to the capital before and didn't know the way to Twilight Academy, Ezra approached someone.

"Excuse me, do you know how to enroll into Twilight Academy?"

Ezra had turned his red eyes and dark hair, which were a characteristic of demon kings, into blue eyes and dark brown hair. He had also removed the features belonging to demons and now looked like any normal human.

The stranger turned to Ezra and scanned him from head to toe.

"Ya want to go there? Give up, boi, only the elite can enter. I've seen quite a few fellas like you have their hopes crushed."

The burly man glanced at his wretched attire once more and shook his head.

"Well, if ya want to try, ya can still try your luck."

He pointed his finger to the left.

"Follow the road and ya'll see a market, then turn right and ya'll see a church. If ya look around, there's gonna be a big building in the distance, it's the Twilight Academy. Ya just have to go there. I heard that behind the building, ya can try to register."

Ezra thanked the man and followed his instructions.

Before long, he arrived in front of a huge building and walked around the barrier surrounding it until he finally saw a lot of people waiting in line in front of a desk.

Even though he had traveled a distance of dozens of kilometers, Ezra didn't feel tired due to his high endurance and went to the back of the line.

As a demon king, it wasn't common for him to have to wait like this, it was even the first time.

If his father were here, he would surely say: 'Ezra, if you forsake your pride as a demon king, people will underestimate you. If they dare to make you wait, you have to set an example and execute them.'

Ezra slightly shook his head and began to wait.

Two hours later, it was finally his turn.

Ezra sighed in relief and steeled himself as he nervously approached the person at the desk.

Even though he had been educated to be a demon king, he still inevitably felt nervous in front of strangers but didn't show it on his face.

A young woman in a neat attire was seating at the desk. Seeing his dirty appearance, she perfunctorily smiled at him and queried:

"Hello, what do you need?"

Ezra organized his words and coldly answered her.

"I would like to enroll into Twilight Academy."

The stranger eyed him suspiciously and frowned, then finally regained her composure and wore a fake smile.

"The inscription fees are 300 000 duan, then 500 000 duan each semester and there are additional costs for the meals, the dormitory, the training equipment, study books..."

As the clerk recited the additional costs one by one, Ezra was bewildered.

He now knew why the man who showed him the way thought he wouldn't be able to enroll!

As an academy for the elite, a lot of people would want to enter it, so naturally the price would be very high!

No, he couldn't give up now... He had to find a way to gather enough money.

"Ah, I apologize, er... how much time is left until the end of registration for next year....?" He weakly asked.

The clerk continued to smile.

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