"Yea, not at all." I added looking at the glowing light coming from the force field. "It looks like someone's inviting us in." Dawn spoke, stating the concerning obvious.

"Invitation accepted!" Jason excitedly said. I hit him in the shoulder stopping him from running straight into the force field without getting an okay from the people who have had more experience. "What?" Jason questioned, I just laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Titans.." Donna spoke cueing that we were about to go into the portal thing. "Yes?" Jason asked, seeming excited Donna considered him a Titan.

But lost that happiness when Donna added to her comment. "And...New Robin and Fire Girl." I didn't mind as much as Jason did but I still felt a little offended but whatever.

"Let's go." Donna continued before leading the way into the house.

"Babe," Jason called from downstairs. "You're almost ready, everyones almost here."

I walked down the steps all ready for our little dinner birthday party we had planned. "Yup"

"Wow, you keep getting more beautiful everyday." Jason kissed me as he met me at the bottom of the steps.

"Happy Birthday beautiful." He led me to the dining room which was decorated with a bunch of birthday decorations. "You did all of this?" I complimented looking around.

"Yup, very proud of it, do you like it?" Jason asked. "I loved it, Jay!" I smiled, giving him another kiss. The doorbell rang ruining our moment, might I add.

"That must be the guests." Jason said, walking over to the door to let everyone in. I followed him and greeted everyone that came in.

"Happy Birthday!" Rachel said, giving me a hug. "Thank you!" I smiled back looking back at the guests, seeing everyone was here for me.

We all hung out in the living room playing games before we ate dinner. Gar and Molly keep winning the games. I swear they were cheating. I am pretty sure Dick lost the most, since every other game he would quit and leave the room and then come back wanting a round two.

It was amazing and not to mention the food Jason cooked was amazing. "You didn't do too bad, Jason." Kory said, taking another bite of her food.

"Yea who knew Jason would be good at cooking and decorating a birthday party." Hank added, making everyone at the table laugh except Jason.

I gave Jason a kiss on the check. "Yea, yea, yea. Very funny guys." We all kept eating and laughing. Talking about life, upcoming events and every dad joke ever made.

Once we finished dinner Jason brought out a cake he made but had Rachel decorate since he didn't want to mess it up. It was amazing, the worst part of all of this was awkwardly sitting there while everyone sang happy birthday.

"Thank you guys. I really love you all so much." I said as I took the first slice of cake

The cake was the best part, it was too pretty to eat but too delicious to stop eating, the perfect cake. "Rachel, you should start a cake decorating business." Dawn joked. We all agreed, giving her compliments on how pretty the cake looked.

"Don't worry Jason, your cake was pretty good too." Molly joked making us all laugh again, looking over to Jason who was sad but shrugged it off knowing we all loved his crazy annoying self.

After eating and cleaning up our plates from the table we all went to the living room again. "Before everyone leaves we have a huge surprise for you, so can you go outside and wait." Jason said, dragging me out the door.

"It better be good, Jay." I joked, confused about what it could be. "I promise it is, love you, you will be really surprised I promise." Jason smiled, giving me a kiss before shutting the door.

I shook my head laughing. "Love you too." I walked farther away from the house towards the sidewalk, really fighting the urge to go inside and find out the surprise.

After waiting for an eternity, the worst possible thing that could happen to me happened. I could hear everyone's screams and cries for help coming from the inside of the burning house.

I couldn't move, my body froze, I fell to the ground sobbing, the house exploded before my eyes. The screaming stopped, the cries stopped. That's when I knew everyone I loved, cared about was gone, just like my family before.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see a couple of men running from the house. I ran over there the fastest I could.

I threw a fireball towards their direction stopping them from running any farther. "What the hell did you just fucking do?" I screamed, making more fireballs surrounding them making sure they couldn't run off.

"We-we, we umm did something dumb, please let us go and we can give you whatever you want." One of the men begged. My eyes went even redder and my anger built up higher than any mountain.

"You know what I want. I want my fucking family back." I scream, causing the fire to expand more around them.

"And no, I will not let you go. I will make you burn like hell, which is where you are going. You are going to die knowing you killed the Fire Phoenix's family and that she killed you the slowest and worst way possible." I chuckled as I caused even more fire to build towards them.

I watched as they slowly burned. Listening as their screams died down and their bodies disappeared. And I fucking enjoyed it.

I turned around to see the whole town watching me as I laughed and cried. "You monster." Someone called out. "I am not a monster, I am just a woman who lost everyone I have ever loved. They are the monsters, they caused this." I yelled back.

"You could've sent them to jail, they would have been killed there anyway. You are a murderer." Another voice called out from the group.

"You want to defend them and call me a murderer. Fine, let me show you a monster." I yelled. I built up my anger enough to set an explosion of fire surrounding me and burning anything 100 feet away from me.

I stood there watching the town burn and everything turn black again.

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