chapter 21

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Y/n Pov

I looked at everyone else and looked back at the big scorpion and pulled my sword out and waited for it to get to us, when it got to us it tried stinging me and I side stepped and stabbed it and backed up and it screamed and I waited for its next attack, I just stared at it and I felt someone standing next to me and I looked and it was a red haired girl with a shield and a spear, She looked at me,
"You ready?" She asked as she stared at me with a smile.
"Yeah I'm ready," I replied as I turned back towards the scorpion and held my sword up and waited for it's next attack, But something picked me up. I looked and it was a giant bird like creature, I heard ruby and yang yell my name, And I stabbed it and climbed on top of it and noticed we were flying towards a cliff. I stood up carefully not to fall off and slowly walked over to it's head and I hesitated but stabbed it in the eye, It screamed in pain and tried shaking me off which made me lose my balance but I caught myself by digging my sword into it's back.
"This is going to be a challenge." I said to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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