chapter 14

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Contains suicidal thoughts
Guys if you need help I'm right here dont be afraid to talk to me I'll be happy to help you. Or just talk to someone else either one is fine with me.

Raven POV

I just punched him in the face.
He got up and tried to punch me I dodged and kneed him in the stomach then kneed him in the face then uppercut him then I left hooked him then right hooked him then roundhouse kicked him in the stomach then I grabbed a knife and stabbed his arm then I grabbed his arm and broke it.
Y/n: OW!
Then I flipped him and straddled him and started punching him in the face over and over again.
And when I was done I got up and started stomping on his stomach over and over again.
And when I was done I stomped on his face and pulled my sword out and held it to his throat.
Me: get out of here and dont ever come back!
Y/n got up and limped towards the door and opened it and walked out and slammed it.


I was walking into the forest and when I got there I left a note at the start of the forest.

And started walking away into the forest.

Raven POV

I walked out and went to the forest because I went overboard and I needed to apologize.
I got to the start of the forest after a few minutes of walking and saw a note on the ground.
I walked over to it and picked it up and it said:
Dear aunt raven if you're reading this well I'm done. I cant take my life anymore. I'm committing suicide. I just cant do it. I cant. Raven  if you can find me before I commit suicide then I wont do it. But if you cant. Then I'll be dead on the ground in a puddle of blood just like you saw me in that day.



Me: no y/n. I said as a tear went down my face.


I was walking through the forest when I came up on the place raven showed me.

I loved it here.

Because I love her I decided I was going to put her in my sketchbook.

A few minutes later I was done and it looked like her.

Then I started breaking down in tears because I miss her.
Me: I'm too scared I cant do it.
Me: I cant kill myself I'm too scared I want too see her again.

Raven POV

I looked all around the forest until I remembered one place. I started walking there and after a few hours I got there and heard crying.
I walked towards it and saw y/n crying with his face dug into his knees and his arms wrapped around his knees.
I walked over to him and he didn't hear me because of his crying.
When I got to him I crouched down and hugged him.
And he looked to see who it was and he saw it was me.
He instantly hugged me and cried into my shoulder.
Me: let it all out.
After hours of sitting there and hugging him he finally stopped crying.
Y/n: a-a-are you m-mad.
Me: no I'm not I promise.
He started crying again.
Me: shhhhh it's ok I'm right here.
He continued crying and I rocked back and forth.
Thankfully I brought his earbuds with me I put them in his ears and played a song he likes

And soon he stopped crying.
Y/n: thanks auntie. He said as the song started.
Me: no problem y/n.

I then picked him up and opened a portal and walked in and closed it and put him on my bed and tucked him in and he fell asleep.


Raven POV

I woke up and looked around and didn't see y/n I got up and walked throughout the hut but didn't find him. So I went outside and asked around and everyone said they hadn't seen him.
I came up on a bar.
I walked in and saw y/n drinking at the age of 8 years old.
I walked to him and took the bottle from his hand and he looked at me with a face that said have mercy.
Me: get up and come on.
Y/n: o-o-o-o-ok. He said as he got up and followed me out.
When we got out we went to my hut and went in.

Me: sit down now. I said in a very cold voice.
He sat down and I paced back  and forth and after a few minutes of pacing I stopped and looked at my nephew who was looking down at the ground.
Me: why were you drinking underaged.
Y/n: b-b-because I-I-I-I was t-thinking b-back o-o-on my r-r-real family's death.
My eyes went wide and I instantly hugged him.
Me: I'm sorry.
Y/n: it's ok.
I then had a flashback of his family's death


Raven POV

I was walking around in the forest when I saw a kid about to be killed by some Grimm. I ran and sliced it's head off and looked at the kid.

Me: are you ok?
???: no.
Me: why not. I said as I crouched down.
???: my family just died. He said as he broke down into tears.
Me: want to come back with me?
???: yes but what's your name.
Me: I'm raven branwen who are you.
???: I'm y/n Aurora.
Me: ok well your name is now y/n rose.
He smiled.

End of flashback

Me: I remember that.
Y/n: I know.
Me: well everything will be ok I'm right here and I wont go anywhere.
Y/n: promise.
Me: promise.

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