chapter 4

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I woke up and my eyes were adjusting to the light and it took like two minutes and my entire body hurt like hell and when my eyes adjusted I saw my auntie raven next to me she saw I woke up and her frown turned into a smile and she hugged me and she said
"I was so worried about you.... how do you feel"
"Everything hurts auntie"
"Well that would be obvious" she said "auntie raven" I said
She looked at me and said "yeah" "w-where am i"
"Your at my house in the
"What tribe"
"Get up"
"GET UP!" She literally yelled at me
And I was scared of that but also mad
"WHY!!!" You yelled back and you knew you fucked up she glared at you
She was mad no she wasn't mad she was FURIOUS she was not the abusive type she was the if you misbehave she wouldn't abuse you she would give you discipline so she grabbed your hand and twisted "AHHHHHHHHH"
You screamed in pain and begged her to stop she broke your hand and you screamed again "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
You screamed again and she stopped and you started tearing up cause you thought she would abuse you too but she said "hey I won't abuse you just don't make me mad ok" then she hugged you and said "sorry" and you said"its  ok"
She then helped you get up then she helped you walk outside and then someone insulted you and you were mad so you said "shut up your mom is so stupid she put makeup on her head to make up her mind" and he said "your Mom so nasty she like a hockey player she only showers after 3 periods" evryone except raven "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
You said "yo mama so ugly she made one direction go in another" "OHHHHHHHHHHH"
He said said "yo Mama so black when she gets in the jacuzzi it turns into coffee" OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
You said "yo Mama so black when she got out of the car the headlights turned on" OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  "alright that's enough"
She said then she picked you up cause you were too tired and your body hurt way too much to walk anymore and then the guy that insulted you came over and punched you as hard as he could and when he did you feel out of your aunties arms your entire body hurt even more then he walked towards you and got punched and his jaw break raven walked towards him and started stomping the hell out of him and said "don't ever come near my nephew again or I'll kill you" she then walked over to her nephew and crouched down and picked you up again and carried you back to the house and put you back In bed and your body was hurting like never before so your auntie got on the bed with you and hugged you and you two stayed like that until you fell asleep and she got up to leave but she looked back and she saw you shaking cause you were cold and scared so she got back on the bed and then kept hugging you and she fell asleep with you

Raven POV
I just woke up from my sleep and got up and walked to the kitchen to make for you two and when she was done making it she walked in and woke you up
"Hey y/n get up"
This time I shook him too wake him up and he finally woke up
"Huh what I'm up" he said
"Come downstairs with me"
And then you see actual food after a long time (you're fav breakfast) "come and eat" I said

And my nephew said "ok"
Timeskip after you eat

"Ok y/n I'm gonna train you so come on" "ok" he said his body still hurt I could see that cause he was like almost limping but he didn't say anything about it but I knew something was wrong I saw his eyes had sadness and pain in them but I decided to ask him about it after "ok you ready" "yeah" he said he put his stance up and I saw the way he was doing it he had one hand on his stomach and the other was up and I was just gonna ask him after
Then he rushed me and tried to punch me I dodged and punched him in the gut making him cough blood then he tried to punch me again and this time I blocked him and punched him in the face and his nose started bleeding he got mad and started throwing a barrage of punches I dodged all of them and then I punched him in the gut really hard and the uppercut him then punched him in the face and the I kneed his stomach then I kicked his face making him fall and he tried to get up but it hurt him really badly and then he played back down in defeat then I walked over to him and stood over him and crouched down and I asked
"Can you still go"
Then I picked him up again and then went back to the hut with my left arm supporting his back and right arm supporting his legs
When we got there I put him on the bed and walked away "a...auntie raven" "yes" "c..can you stay with me" "of course" I said as I walked back to the bed then he hugged me "I love you auntie raven" "I love you too y/n" and I hugged back and cuddled him and I was thinking am I cut out to take care of him whether or not I'm going to anyway cause the caretakers at orphanages are usually abusive so I'm not putting him in a orphanage

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