chapter 9

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Btw this is what you look like at 10 years old just lower the height

Raven POV I wake up and see him laying next to me asleep cuddling me "your so cute"

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Raven POV
I wake up and see him laying next to me asleep cuddling me "your so cute"

Qrow pov
I got back from my mission and I'm going to tais house to visit y/n and when I get there I open the door and go in
"I'm here" I said
Evryone: coming
"Hey kids"
"Hey uncle qrow" ruby said
"Hey Uncle qrow" yang said
"Hey qrow" tai said
"Hey qrow" summer siad
"Can I see y/n"
Evryone:"ahhhhhh no not right now"
"I'm going to see him anyway"
*walks upstairs*
I opened his door
"Y/n you here"
No response
I went in and found no one

Raven POV
I got a call and it was qrow
I answered it
"Yes qrow"
"Wheres y/n please tell me you have him and hes not alone in the forest
"Qrow it's ok I have him right here"
"Whyd he run away in the first place anyway"

Y/N: "Coming" *walks down stairs*
Y/N:"I didnt"
Tai: "DONT LIE TO ME YOU PEICE OF SHIT" *Tai walks over to you*

Ruby:"hey dad can we help beat him up"
Yang:"yeah we wanna help"
Tai:"yeah you girls can anything for you two"
*just then summer walks in*
Summer:"what did he do"
Tai:"he broke Ruby's toy"
*Timeskip 4 hours later*
Tai:"hope that taught you a lesson little shit"
*then they walked outside*
*I was laying on the floor in a puddle of my blood definitely a few broken ribs*
Then you hear the door open *you turn your head while laying down*
And you see raven
Y/n:"p-ple-please d.....don...t h-h-hur...t m-me *coughs blood*
Raven POV I was walking to tais and summers house I open the door an I see y/n on the floor in a puddle of blood my eyes widen in shock then he said y/n:"p-p-ple-please d...dont...h-h-hurt...m-me" *coughs blood* I was only coming to visit since qrow was on a mission but the this.....
Raven ran towards me
Raven:"Y/N What happened"
Y/n:"they b.....beat *coughs blood* for some...something *coughs blood* I d.......didn't d-d-do"
Raven:"*picks you up and takes you to you to your room and puts you on the 'bed'*
Raven:"how long have they been doing this for"
Y/n:"5 years" you said weakly
Raven:"and you didn't tell us"
Y/n:"no because I thought you wouldn't care"
*Raven glares at you*
Raven:"of course we'd care me and crow love you we would've protected you from them we want you to have a happy life (btw raven in this story is a little nicer and she) next time tell me something like this happens or I might give you a little discipline of my own" she said jokingly
Y/n:"y-yes mam

Narrator pov

After that your auntie raven bandaged you up then
She said
Raven:"I'm sorry I have to go I'll come back when qrow gets back from his mission"
Y/n:"WHAT No please don't leave me here with them" you said as you grabbed onto her leg she crouched down to your level and said
Raven:" hey y/n it'll be okay I'll be back I promise and plus you have phantom here with you it'll be ok" (btw If your wondering phantoms a oc he your brother)
Y/n:"y-y-you p..promise you'll come back"
Raven:"yes I promise"
Raven:"ok bye I need to say hi to the others then leave"
Raven POV
I walked downstairs and said hi then left then opened a portal and I was back at
(Ok you guys choose where her home is I'm giving you the option
Her house or
Her tribe hut
You choose
I went to sleep then it was the next day and my brother phantom woke me up
Phantom:"hey baby brother wake up" (btw 3 people care about you and its phantom qrow and raven)
I'm up I'm up I said
Phantom:"ok ima go downstairs"
I then heard my 'dad' yell
I then yelled OK
Bastard I thought
I then made them breakfast
And ruby got done I was holding a plate going over to wash it and she made me drop it and said "Dad y/n dropped a plate"
My dad was mad then he walked up to me and was about to punch until phantom caught it evryone else stood up cause of this and my older brother said "go little brother I'll handle this" and I ran upstairs and started trying to go to sleep cause of yesterday's beating it still hurt
And I heard him scream in agony then he came upstairs and said "that's it were running away" and he started packing our stuff to leave he went into the closet and found poison pills and he said "little brother why do you have these" I said "cause I was keeping them in there in case the abuse got to bad for me to handle" he ran up and hugged me and said "I'm not mad little brother you should've told me it was this bad earlier and we would have left earlier" I said "I know"
Then we had everything we needed and left through the window but before we did we left a note it said hello your two favorite toys speaking here we just wanted to say FUCK YOU BITCHES SEE YOU NEVER Auntie raven Uncle qrow if you see this we love you so much

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