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I had focused on Heidi for the next couple days in the pack house, Jack coming in the check in, shooting me glances, probably wondering if I had thought about his birthday request. And I have. It's all I thought about when I wasn't having a conversation with someone. It was what kept me awake after Heidi's bedtime. I didn't even bother to watch TV.

And then the first night in the new house, things were set up so Heidi was in her own room and I had the energy to stay awake until the very early morning. Unpacking, and organizing, things that Reese promised to help me with in the morning and I was going to help her in the afternoon.

Oh well, too late. We could just go to breakfast. I laid down, and sleep still hadn't come. Jack's persistence on the bond showed me that he hadn't been sleeping either. And knowing how protective he was it might be because of how far away I was. Because we were no longer under the same roof, a few doors away from his.

I laid down and relaxed everything but my mind and it felt like as soon as I was asleep I heard knocking on my front door. I got up and peaked out seeing my dad. I opened the door with a slight glare.

"Did you have to knock?" I asked and he smiled.

"Hearing someone in your new house would have put you on edge baby girl, you know that. Go back to bed, you need your sleep. I will get her up and ready quietly." He kissed my forehead and I sighed and leaned my head on the door before going to close it. But a hand stopped me.

"Jack." I nodded before rubbing my eyes.

"You didn't sleep a wink last night Gene." He noticed and I rolled my eyes.

"I was busy." I mumbled turning away right away.

"Go on back into your room then." He said pushing me along like I was some child. I turned around, shoved his hands away from me and then gave him my best glare.

"I might not be an adult in your eyes Jack, I am not 20, yet. But I am a mother, someone who grew up a long time ago. You might not have been around for that, but at least my own parents don't think of me that way. I don't need you parental guidance. I have done fine on my own." I spat, the sleep deprived wolf inside me coming out for a challenge. I turned my back on him and went right into my room, closed the door and locked it for now.

I growled, so angry that I knew I couldn't get back into bed to sleep. So I changed direction and took a quick shower. I dressed in sweats, a long sleeve t shirt and simple socks before venturing out into the now empty house.

I went into Heidi's room and started unpacking and setting her things up how they used to be in her old room, and just thought back to when I was huge setting up her nursery.

I had painted the walls a soft purple, gotten Ian and my dad to put together all the things like the crib, and rocking chair, and bouncer. It was all very organized. I had a huge shelf of all the baby clothes from the baby shower. All the diapers were set up on the side of the changing table my mom had onced used on us. I had everything clean to perfection, the clothes all pressed with a crease that made my pregnant mind find them all perfect.

I smiled knowing I still loved some of those things. The organization was still very needed because if it wasn't she and I wouldn't know what was clean and what wasn't.

I thought back to what I told Jack earlier. I had grown up in his absence whether he has noticed or not. I didn't have a slim waist and hips anymore. I was way more curvy now than I was before and when I asked my mom about it, about why I didn't bounce back to my size 3 pants she said it was because I was only 16 when I had Heidi, that meant my body would have grown like this over time anyways.

Grown(Book 2 of The Athens Wolves Series) [complete]Where stories live. Discover now