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I had my baby girl on June 23rd. I named her Heidi Giselle Russell. I had a complication while giving birth and was out for three days straight.

I hallucinating when I did wake up. I saw good and bad things, like Axel coming for her and taking her away. And the good hallucination was a recurring one. Jack was there, he was holding her and bringing her close so I could see her but when I woke up for real I knew it was all a dream because no one else saw him.

I didn't mind... I knew what he was doing, and even if he says it's for me, I know it is more for himself. He wants to kill the bastard who did this to me. He would never accept Heidi, he made that clear the night he left the first time.

When I actually saw him again it was on my 18th birthday, and like he had told me before, he was my mate. He had stalked over to me and I prepared myself for the rejection, but he grabbed me, pulled me into the house and turned on me quickly and slammed his lips onto mine.

Heidi had just been put to bed so while he accepted me as his mate, I didn't have to worry about her. We marked each other and he took away the pain and memories from the years before in just one night. The next morning I had woken up to him running his fingers up and down my bare back and him giving me a smile. We talked for about 20 minutes when I realized Heidi might wake up soon. I told him I was going to get her ready and left with just my robe on to get her.

But when I got back to my room, he was gone, no trace of him. I sucked it up before I broke down in front of my baby girl and pushed it to the back of my mind for the entire day. Once Heidi was asleep for her nap around 2 in the afternoon I called Reese and she came over and Ian tagged along and woke Heidi up to play with her outside. Ian was a great uncle.

I talked about everything with Reese, she told me what he had told Ian and how he could only be here for a day before having to return. But the hatred for him leaving before he got the chance to meet Heidi. She didn't know what to tell me for that part, she just told me to relax and just act like nothing happened for now because he wasn't due back any time soon.

So that is what I did. I was looked at a little differently for about a week because I had been marked, by someone most of the pack members didn't even see. But I went through my regular schedule and tried to forget about Jack as best as I could, but on some days I could feel him checking in and when he tried to say something I shut down the bond to show him I was not in the mood.

I didn't see him for another year, not until he was titled Beta while my brother became Alpha and married Reese.

I had Heidi on my lap during the ceremony, I thought she would be a sort of shield from Jack since he never wants to meet her in the first place. I kept her close all day and when it was time for bed, I let her say goodbye to Ian and Reese while I stayed close by. Once Ian promised to see her tomorrow she told him that he better and then looked to me and held her arms out.

"We'll see you tomorrow." I smiled taking her with me up the stairs to her room that was mostly packed up. "You ready for your bath Heidi?" I asked setting her down in the middle of her room while going to get her some clothes.

"Yes mommy." She started running around, grabbing some of her bath toys and then running right out the room. I smiled getting some socks before hearing her cry out.

"Heidi, you didn't go near the stai-" I stopped seeing Jack there with Heidi on her butt. He was bent over trying to get her to stop crying and I sighed going over and rubbing a hand over her hair. "C'mon, lets go play in the water." I whispered in her ear before smooching the side of her face.

Once we were in the bathroom I started the water before turning and wiping her face. I calmed her down and she sniffled before getting herself undressed. I pulled my dress up some so I could put my feet in with her and she calmed down a lot more when she started playing with her toys.

Grown(Book 2 of The Athens Wolves Series) [complete]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora