Chapter 29

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Although the day had barely begun in the prison, the heat was already settled in the air and was quickly becoming hard to bear for some prisoners, particularly Nightjar, who was beginning to feel the lack of water. She could feel her body getting heavier and tired. Before, she had been able to drink from the river whenever it suited her, but now that she was deprived of it, it was even harder to resist the urge to jump on the guards who had a portable flask around their necks.

However, she didn't let herself be demoralised. Joining the others, she and Maple approached the fountain in the centre of the courtyard. Still in the shade, their fellow prisoners began to drink from it, and the two spouses followed suit. It may not have been hygienic, but this collective source of refreshment was surely the only way they could satisfy their parched throats.

It did Nightjar miraculous good. She hadn't realised that she hadn't been hydrated for perhaps more than a day. Naturally, she felt better straight away and they all moved to a shady spot where they wouldn't have to fight the sun.

The half nightwing noticed Pacific's strange good humour, as he seemed more relaxed than the day before. She spontaneously made the connection with the water fountain. She was even convinced that it was due to that. Seawings are known to have a certain affiliation with water, which is practically vital. Without it, some of them lost their minds. If Nightjar found it hard not to be able to refresh herself when she wanted to, then she didn't want to imagine what Pacific was facing.

The group began to talk about the night they had spent, in the manner of a small family, and then discussed about the newcomer : "And you're the 'simple' green dragon, said Fennec wryly, who smiled as he looked at each of them in turn, deducing their intimate relationship by their tails, which were still tied together.

- Simple ? repeated Quartz, You mean the famous one. He even survived the torture in the basement, look !" He exclaimed, pointing at Maple's new clawed eye, "You should know, he whispered to Maple, that your friend immediately wanted to know where you were.

- I don't doubt it for a second, he confirmed, looking at Nightjar, which bothered her the most.

- It's normal, isn't it ...? she justified, without stopping herself from smiling stupidly and looking away.

- Can we ask what your name is ? asked Pacific.

- Maple. I'm a hybrid between a hivewing and a leafwing.

- Do you have leafspeak ? wanted to know the mudwing.

- Leaf-what ? shouted Pacific and Monarch at the same time, who had suddenly revealed himself.

- I didn't see you, relaxly said Maple to the little dragonet. Can I ask what your name is ?

- Monarch, he replied after a nod from his father, Tulip.

- So, Monarch, chloropower is a gift that comes from my clan. It allows me to hear plants and talk to them. I can even make them grow".

Before the astonished eyes of everyone, including Nightjar, after a short moment of preparation, Maple made a stem emerge from the ground. This thickened into a small trunk from which three small sand roses grew. She had already seen her companion at work, but for the half-nightwing it would probably always be just as fascinating to watch. He had a gift for creation as precious as that of writing.

Monarch, in the front row, couldn't help but have eyes full of little stars and be seduced by this magic that came from a continent that was foreign to him. Pacific, as bewildered as the others, was more perplexed and incomprehensible : "That's animus magic, he said, shocked.

- And yet it isn't, retorted Quartz, taunting his friend. It's normal that you don't know, it comes from Pantala.

- And as far as I know, you're from Pantala. How do you know that and I don't ? offended the seawing.

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