Chapter 9

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Hornet's last words floated in the air for a moment. Looking at Maple, she saw that her friend did not seem to have heard Hornet but his eyes continued to glare at the large wasp-wing. However the green dragon seemed to have come to himself. "It's crystal clear that you just want to avoid fighting now." At the same time, Hornet's two accomplices had moved away to give the little group some privacy.

"Then this crystal is still too murky. If I wanted to I would have crushed you already with the help of Foeseeker and the other fool," Hornet replied. Nightjar had trouble knowing if he was trying to bluff the two survivors or if his seriousness was a mask.

"As you said, the narrator continued, your father was an assassin, as I was once, and we worked together. I am surprised to know that he told you.

- It seemed fair to him to explain some things to me, not like others," reproached Maple.

His words were sharp and quick and Nightjar could see that he was trying to keep control. She was reassured to know that did not want to return to that primitive state. "Everyone has a second face, which is bound to happen at some point, I suppose". She was shocked that Maple had not picked up on the fact that Hornet was her uncle. Maybe he wasn't interested at the time, or perhaps he already knew it...

The injured dragon resumed the exchange: "I've kept things from you for a few reasons. First of all, Bumblebee and I worked for the authorities of the former Queen of our tribe long ago. There were silkwings who were politically opposed to her regime. Our mission was to make "disappear" these troublemakers who could be able to start a rebellion. I am not proud of what I did but we were not free, we had no choice. The mental control of the Queen was too unpredictable.

One day your father came to me and told me about his opinion of a supposed revolution, that it was maybe a good thing. He wanted to change himself and the whole system. I must admit that I was also excited about the idea, but mostly to be free. But..., he thought for a moment before resuming, He had a sharp tongue and the ideas they defended were not shared by everyone, if anyone. He was lucky because that famous revolution led by the leafwings with the help of the silkwings arrived a few days later and the continent was finally in peace, to believe that he was a soothsayer", half laughed Hornet.

"However, after some of the clan moved to Pyrrhia to make up for the overpopulation on Pantala, your father met his so-called soulmate, but he was not discreet in his relationship with...

- Fuschia," Nightjar added.

Maple looked at Nightjar, flattered, and seemed to relax a bit. Answering for him showed that she showed interest in his story, and that above all she was there to help him. She wanted to make it clear that he was not alone and that he could count on her. Hornet cleared his throat as if he wanted to impose his authority and continued his story.

"Anyway, he continued, Then came the fateful day. Do you want me to tell you right now about Maple or...

- What I want is the truth and to never see you again. Don't pretend to be nice to me.

- I understand, that goes without saying. His love for a leafwing was frowned upon by the rest of the community and his former comrades considered him an outcast, who had to be eliminated to clear their honor. 

So they began to search for their hiding place and found it in no time before they decided to carry out their punishment. I tried to alert him but it was too late.

Your parents were great warriors. They didn't take it lying down, and neither did you.

- No. I did not, he corrected, I was... too scared to do anything. I even fainted," Maple finished with shame.

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